Posted on 07 January 2013. Tags: best friends, good bread, good time, guy, happy all the time, honesty, kind, long time, person, phone, proof, school teacher, some girls, spring break, yesterday
I’m with my bf for 8 months now. I’m 21 and he is 30. He is kind of quite person. He usually don’t call or text someone unless he really need to, except some people that are really close to him like me, his sister, and his best friends. Yesterday, I used his phone and I saw a conversation between him and a girl at his school. They talked about school, teacher and some other things too. He told her that how good she did on her presentation that i don’t think he usually do to other people. He even told her that he got good grade first before he told me about it. I watched a good movie with him, then he told her to watch it and they talk about how good is it. They also talk about he is a good cookies maker and she is a good cooker. He even told her that he know a market that sell good bread and said he will take her there sometimes if she is good.
Do you think this a friends’ conversation? I think it would be ok if she is his friend for a long time. But they just know each other 3 month at school, and i know how my bf is… he is kinda quiet and don’t usually talk to people that are not close to him. I don’t know what should i do now. Should I ask him? Or should I just keep an eye on it and find more proof before asking him? I know I was wrong when I went through his phone without his permit. But I was insecure. Please help!!!! 
We have no problems. We love each other and I can feel his love for me. He care for me and want me to be happy all the time. We always have good time when we are together. We hang out almost everyday on our Spring Break. He also tell me that there are some girls at school like him and try to talk to him. He said he doesn’t like it because he doesn’t go there to find girls. He seem honesty about this. There would be nothing if i din’t go through his phone. Maybe I’m just too insecure.
I didn’t ask him clearly about this. However, when he told me about some girls at school like him, I asked him is there any girl that he talk to more than other. He said not really. Then I ask do you think it’s right when you go out with another girl/guy when you already have a gf/bf (That girl or guy wasn’t a friend for long time)? And I told him I think it shouldn’t happen because it will make bf/gf sad, and he said he agree with me.
I think that I’m just over thinking. Maybe I should trust my bf more.
Thank you for all the answers!
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 19 September 2012. Tags: few days, good time, half, information, month and a half, pregnant on the pill, Reason, sex, test
I’ve been taking the 3 month pill for close to 2 years now. I’m not very good at taking them at the same time everyday and me and my boyfriend have sex regularly. Does anyone know what the chances of me getting pregnant are? Or when a good time to take a test is? Its hard for me to know since I have to wait a month and a half for my next period. If there are any people that may have any information please help. The reason I’m concerned is because I have been feeling nauseous the last few days but I am not sure if its affiliated with that. Anything will help. Thanks!
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 13 September 2012. Tags: Affiliate, clue, Game, good time, hail, Question., sir donald, sri lanka, t20 world cup, Time, yorkshire
Seeing as I hail from Yorkshire…
First one to guess it wins. I will come back later and drop a clue if no one has got it by then.
BQ. – Which affiliate or associate nation do you feel is most likely to win a game in the T20 World Cup in Sri Lanka?
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 08 September 2012. Tags: @globe, Alu, analysis, Good, good time, Investor's, niche, Price, stock, stock price, struggle
Since the struggle is still on but there are couple of niche deals it has penned down around the globe.
as the stock price is trading almost 52 week low is it a good time to buy ALU or it is not worth buying anymore.
Any investors around with a good analysis….
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 23 May 2011. Tags: affiliate marketing, business, economy, Good, good time, Jobs, marketing companies, moment, owning my own business, Start, Track
Owning my own business has been one of two things that I have wanted to do with my life (the other has been having a family which I’m still working on as well.) but would this be a good time to open one? I have some ideas, but the economy in this country seems to be terrible at the moment, with businesses going belly up, people losing their jobs, homes etc. In my mind I keep thinking that if I open the right business and things get going I could help provide a solution to the problem and maybe create some jobs, putting some good people back to work in the process and helping to get the economy back on track.
I do have some experience if you can call it that working with various online and offline network and affiliate marketing companies. But at the end of the day I was merely a self employed, commission salesman/sales manager. Many of these companies have even started to go belly up which is why I am exploring other options at the moment.
Posted in Featured Articles