Posted on 03 July 2013. Tags: Afraid, american, Government, Scotland, Should
Scotland has vast amounts of oil, and as you know, various American governments have sent their army to attack oil rich countries to acquire the wealth for themselves. If Scotland wins its independence next year we’d no longer have a large enough army (due to not being affiliated with the Brits) to fend off an attack what would stop the Americans attacking us?
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 25 June 2013. Tags: Advertise, Games, Government, Obamacare, Should, Spend
Sebelius in talks with NFL on promoting ObamaCare insurance plans…
Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said Monday she is in talks with the NFL to help promote new insurance options under ObamaCare.
Sebelius said the football league has been “very actively and enthusiastically engaged” in discussions about a partnership to encourage people to enroll in newly available insurance plans.
“We’re having active discussions right now with a variety of sports affiliates” about both paid advertising and partnerships to encourage enrollment, Sebelius told reporters.
HHS is reportedly also in talks with the NBA to promote the law.…
So. our tax dollars will go toward advertising a clusterfvck of a law?
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 17 May 2013. Tags: Government, Help, Need, Questions!
I really need help.
1. which of the following is most likely to be a result of political socialization?
a. John decides to by sneakers like those of his friend rafael
b. mary goes to religious services every week with her parents
c. john becomes a democrat like her father
d. mushtar loses all interest in national elections
2. Which of the following best describes a desirable sample universe for a question about whom voters favor in a democratic primary?
a. all newly – registered democrats
b. all registered democrats
c. all democrats who have attended a recent campaign rally
d. all registered voters
3.Which of the following polls is most likely to be basedon a truly random sample of 18 to 21 year old voters?
a. online poll
b. poll of registered voters aged 18~21 contacting every tenth person on a list
c. poll taken by knocking on every third door in a college dorm
d. poll of all 18~21 year olds attending a rap concert
4.The purpose of exit polls is to
a. judge who is leading in a primary election race
b. determine public opinion on us troops withdrawals
c. predict election results before polls close
d. influence voters to back a certain candidate
5.What is the relationship between interest groups and political action commitiees
a. there is no relationship between interest groups and political action commitiees
b. many interest groups have political action committees to support candidate for office
c. many political action committees create interest groups to help promote their goals
d. unlike political action commitiees, interest groups can contribute money to candidates
6,which of the following descriptions is most likely to apply to an interest group whose web site offers the article how can the amazon rainforest be saved?
a. caused based group interested in the enviroment
b. trude association for tropical lumber producers
c. labor group for workers in the banana industry
d. cause based group interested in building democracy
7. an interest group that endores a candidate is
a. criticizing the candidates action money for a campaign
c. asking voters to elect the candidate
d. asking for the candidate’s help
8. what is a goal common to all interest group?
a. electing a state of candidates
b. promoting business friendly laws
c. influencing public policy
d. expanding democratic freedoms
9. which of the following best describes a political party’s ideology
a. list of candidates chosen to run for office
b. set of proposals for new laws to be passed
c. campaign statement on how tax burden should be addresed
d. ideas about the proper goals of government
10.a significant difference between political parties and interest groups is that
a. political parties tend to focus on a single overriding issue sull
b. political parties pressure government from the outside
c. the main goal of political parties is to elect their members to pulbic office
d. interest groups opperate in all areas of the country the 2000 presidential election, ralph nader ran as the candidate of the green party, which of the following best describes the vote he took
a. independet candidate
b. multiparty candidate
c. write in candidate
d. third party candidate
12.which of the following is a principal reason that a political party would sponser an affiliated organization such as the national federation of republican women?
a. bolstering party fund rasing
b. wining over specific groups of voters
c. filtering out extermist candidates
d. helping elect the parties congressional candidates
13. how does the fact that parties provide a political brand name help a political party?
a. most voters join one of the two major parties
b. white conservative men tend to vote for republicans
c. office seekers are more interested in the good of the party than their own success
d. voters may vote for an unknown candidate because they support the party’s views
14. in a local election thatuses nomination by detition a views candidate would be required to
a. collect the signatures of a certain number of qualifed voters
b. show proof of having vote in most recent local election
c. compete against other candidates in a primary election
d. secure the approval of a political party’s caucus has the nominating process changed since the 1890’s ?
a. party leaders have gained more power
b. fewer states are using direct primaries
c. party conventions are no longer held
d. voters gained a greater voice
i really need help
please.. help me..
thank you so much
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 18 April 2013. Tags: Government, Trust
Operation Northwoods for example, so that being said how do I know if 9/11 wasn’t a doing by George W Bush and Sandy Hook by Obama to take away our rights. (Was anyone really killed in the Sandy Hook incident in the first place?) Plus the whole donation fund was made three days before the whole thing took place.) Also wouldn’t shock me if Obama had a doing in the Dark Knight fiasco. Obama gave guns to the cartel so it wouldn’t surprise me if everything that has happened recently was his doing to have his agenda put in place over us the American people.
9/11 gave Bush the free pass to put the Patriot Act in place.
Sandy Hook/Dark Knight movie theater massacre is giving Obama the fire power to ban guns.
I can no longer believe our government or the media. JFK was probably one of the good ones which is why he was killed.
Cnn, Fox news, MSNBC, ABC News, and others are all full of it trying to push their own agendas on us the American people. I think it’s time to pull the tv plug and start thinking for ourselves.
Research goes a long way and it’s really up to the individual to make their mind up on what they think really happened instead of being a sheep and just going with what our government or media tells us what happened.
I could be wrong on everything I said and I really do hope I am, the thought our Presidents would do such things to up their agenda is just a sickening thought but with the whole operation Northwoods, it just hard to believe our government wouldn’t try something to fool us.
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 15 March 2013. Tags: Exists, Government, Illuminati, Shadow, Think
I’d like to see people’s opinions on this.
Personally I am a believer – there is so much on this planet and universe that we are just not being told. The world seems very corrupt to me and everyone is so controlled by this system that it’s got the point where we couldn’t live without it.
That’s my opinion
What’s yours?
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 15 February 2013. Tags: Being, Government, Isn't, Overhauled, U.s.
If the U.S. govt. was a private business all the upper management (president, congress, senate and supreme court) would have been fired years ago. Washington is a disgrace with all the corruption that is going on with these special interest groups, but nothing is being done about it!
What is it going to take to make our government reliable?
A good example is the congress and senate. Any senator or congress person that has any ties to special interest groups and is getting money from them should be put in jail, but it never seems to happen. Boehner and Reid should be made examples and put into jail for the illegal money they have taken from special interest groups.
Boehner has gotten rich off this student loan scam. Reid has a scam going on with his son-in-law that is at the tune of 5 billion dollars.
These crooks need to go to jail!!!
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101