Posted on 06 May 2013. Tags: Affilated, AICTE, Apply, Decugc, Govt, Jobs, Know, Ksou, Mncs, That
Dear Sir,
I am a diploma holder (Electrical) and came to know that KSOU is conducting distance courses of B Tech. so pl let me know that KSOU is affiliated by DEC-UGC-AICTE and can we apply for Govt JOBs (State & Central) OR same degree is acceptable in MNCs OR in Private companies……????
Pl answer me so that i can save my time and money.
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 07 January 2013. Tags: economy, Govt, Iib, model, Salary
they’d have enough to be taxed,adding to govt revenue, and it would be a win-win for the country?
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 17 October 2012. Tags: apologised, British, british government, britons, Brits, Colonisation, colonised, Govt, japanese govt, office, psychological way, selfish gain, south korea
There is no justification whatsoever for colonisation. It was bad and its effects are still directly being felt by the affected countries. Now, I have previously seen people [especially Britons] who try to justify this EVIL with very baseless arguments. First, the world would have independently adapted to any necessary changes AT THEIR WILL e.g, did China have to colosise the world for it to use fireworks [sulphur], printing e.t.c. mmh? If I discover something does my country have to force it onto other people for them to use it LIKE ITS THE ONLY WAY mmh? Actually, if you have observed the non-colonised countries have easily and successifully adapted any changes and ideologies they feel necessary, without any unnecessary disruption, be it from Britain or wherever way faster andbetter than the colonised ones and still maintained their pride. Furthermore, the discoveries and ideologies from Britain could have been developed independently by other people, who knows, its just that they were first bumped into by the Brits. Secondly, arguing that since other countries that did as the Brits did haven’t apologised yet is just out of logic. Do you apologise because others apologise or do you do it because its the RIGHT THING TO DO? And if you really need masses for comfort then you would be happy to know that the Japanese govt formally apologised to South Korea for the damages, physically, psychologically and for hurting their pride for selfish gain Colombia did the same to its indeginous people.I personaly think colonisation actually denies the former colonies development in a psychological way in that its hard to adapt necessary changes that are British in origin in and vital to any human being [well since we occupy the same ‘niche’] without the fear of indirectly justifying colonisation in the expense of thier pride and identity that was lost during forced control by Britain. Get it? It’s kind of like a feeling of betraying yourself or something… its all psychology. Being related to a country that has been ‘hurt’ in this way is what makes these problems recurrent, affecting generations that were not physically there during the actual colonisation period. Your home country also forms a huge part of an individual you know.Apologising would be a symbol of undoing that and I am sure it would be in order and would greatly help the affected people to efficiently move on. The current British govt. is responsible since although the individuals who did this may be dead or out of office, they acted in the capacity of their govt. Also if the current govt. can automaticaly claim the achivements and the possessions aquired by the previous govts, it therefore automatically behave as a SINGLE ENTITY despite the chaging of individuals in office, therefore using the same ‘rule’, it automatically is also responsible for the wrongs of THE GOVT., otherwise it would be double standards on its part. I am not implying that every Briton should go around apologising or anything, but the govt. itself. Yes I agree that part of the problem may be within the countries themselves but the British govt. has a BIG part to play too and I think a FORMAL apology would be in oder. Plus it would be an HONERABLE THING Britain to do instead of burying its head in the sand and pretending while EVERYTHING is as clear as broad daylight to any logical person. It is also very risky for the future of Britain if it doesn’t face up to their history; things will one way or another catch up to Britain [for every ACTION, there is an equal REACTION]. Apart from this why else woulnd’t the British govt apologise? p.s. sorry for the grammatical erros.
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 26 June 2012. Tags: admission, amp, doubts, draughtsman, Enquiry, Govt, guidance, idea, mumbai, placements, private institutes, problem, service sector, starting salary, Website
I stay in Mumbai, I want to do Mechanical draughtsman course. But the problem is that, I have no idea of its eligibility, procedure for admission, institutes and placements…so pls clear my following doubts:
# Its eligibility, procedure for admission, and some better institutes for it near Mumbai…(pls also classify it in govt. affiliated and private institutes) ——>>> also mention their official website and address if available
# How much would be the fees for the same??
# I’ve heard that there are only 2 types of draughtsman courses…,i.e., Mechanical & civil…does it includes more?
# so which one is best of all….??
# And after its completion, what type of jobs would I get?
# What would be my starting salary?
# does it has demand in service sector?
Kindly go through it and give your feedback as early as possible…Need your guidance…Thank You 
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 23 December 2011. Tags: church, corrupt church, economy, extreme lengths, Govt, Illuminati, mind control device, monarchy, Nwo, ppl, secret group, secret groups, stock market
What if the government is really corrupt within itself not through a secret group and these enlightened ppl are trying to help us they were against the monarchy (govt) the corrupt church they could’ve crashed the stock market create a bad economy to show the bad government they could easily go through extreme lengths to help maybe they want to help create a nice peaceful NWO not an evil govt world order the whole depopulate plan could be for other groups like the corrupted organization RFID chips help identity theft access to other things not a mind control device.wen JFK spoke out against secret groups he either A: was talking about ppl in the govt or didn’t quite know about the illuminati’s plan to aid. our ideas about the group are assumptions no facts about evil (maybe for the church) and the govt might be pointing them out as evil they wanted to bring new ideas that’s why they were called the enlightened ones this is just my thoughts I jus literally thought about it so go ahead answer with facts about their evilness or prove my hypothesis wrong
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 19 December 2011. Tags: banking sector, better chance, career option, earning extra money, firm, Govt, job, Marketing, Regading, SEO, seo firm
Hello, I am getting confused about my career option. Currently I am working in a seo firm earning 10k per month and I am 25 year old. But I am worrying about my future that should I continue working in a firm because I am also trying to establish myself in freelancing sites like Where I am working on some project. I don’t know when I get a project because it s anonymous while talking about project. So I am thinking about getting into govt. job like a banking sector. I didn’t think that I am learning affiliating marketing which is a good things for earning extra money in thousand. I can do this job with my banking job if I luck enough to get one. I am also thinking switching because I am alone in the project, no one is working hard like I do but it’d not enough.. but you know there is better chance of getting car, flat , money in seo industry if your profile run good which is not in govt. job but there is time saving for my extra work..
Posted in Featured Articles