Posted on 23 May 2013. Tags: galaxy, Guide, Hitchhiker's, Question.
How does Arthur Dent (protagonist) in the book “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” by Douglas Adams change? How does Arthur change over the course of the book?
(You can include what he learned too if you want, but it has to be important.)
Thanks in advance 
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 18 October 2012. Tags: Affiliates, Guide, Method..., Program, Recruit
I wish to recruit affiliates for a program. What is the fastest method of recruiting them?
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 27 September 2012. Tags: Affiliates, Code, computer, Guide, guide section, Megatypers
I have a megatypers account created for me by my friend. he has created an affiliates code in the affiliates section but unfortunatly my computer hangs when i try to open the guide section. the numbers/letters under the Code section is 49TJ.
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 13 September 2012. Tags: antenna, Cbs, cbs affiliate, Guide, hd, indoor antenna, koin, nbc, portland oregon, Signal, southeastern washington state, state, television, translators
I have an indoor antenna that sits on top of our television. The other day, I had it scan for channels (because I heard about a newer channel in our area, so I wanted to make sure the antenna / guide were up-to-date).
When it was done searching, one of the channels it found was 6-1 KOIN HD, which is the CBS affiliate for Portland, Oregon, but I live over 215 miles away in southeastern Washington state! How is it getting the signal? There are no translators for that station anywhere around, and there isn’t a need for one, because my area has its own CBS, NBC, etc. affiliates.
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 19 August 2012. Tags: Clickbank, e book, Guide, money, New, niche, product, Regards, selling
Hi! I want to create a new ClickBank product. But what products sells and not?
How about the sales page design and content? Almost all the top selling products have presentation videos on their sales pages.
I really need some ideas to a new product. It’s have to be an E-book or guide.
I’m in the “money making” niche.
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 04 July 2012. Tags: Affiliate, affiliate marketing, fellow, Guide, intricacies, occasional question, project x, screen, substantial income, Website, Wing, working man
I’ve been smashing my head against this screen for weeks now trying to figure out the intricacies of affiliate marketing, only to have to go to a guide, for a plugin, then have to go to a guide for the website for the plugin, then have to go through a guide about whether or not the website was right. (wordpress, pretty links for cloaking) and I’ve read Affiliate Project X twice, and it seems like legit stuff I’m just so stumped.
Would anyone who’s already successfully making an income be willing to take a fellow struggling working man under his wing for the occasional question? Appreciation doesn’t describe how I would feel if I could somehow connect with someone who is already making a substantial income online as an affiliate.
Posted in Featured Articles