Tag Archive | "handful"

Why Are The Magority Of Those Affiliated With The Church Of Rome Unable To Witness?

I get told that this is the priest job
I only know a handful of Catholics(friends of mine) that actualy read bible

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If God Created All Humans, And The One True Path Is The One Printed In The Bible?

Then isn’t he a little shortsighted by only bothering to chat about it with a handful of people in a relatively small area at a time when the only mode of transportation was walk or ride a camel? You’ve got to figure that even writing it down and mass producing copies of it (again, not an option at the time) wasn’t going to get the word out very quickly to all those people that lived somewhere else on the planet.
Was it simply a poor marketing strategy that he didn’t spread the message around to everywhere more quickly (thus allowing many of his people to cruise along believing in false religions out of ignorance) or did he just decide that the only people worth letting in on the secret were the Jews and whoever they thought to share it with?

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How Could I Get In Trouble On Facebook?

Recently one night early in the morning (like 1-2) I posted a status on my page, not directed to anybody, due to one kid constantly chatting me to get my account phished for no reason. So, I got tired of it and posted a status using a handful a curse words (bastard, F-word, and sh!#)…
Now, happy I’m not getting more messages by this person, my friend responds days later and says that my camp counselor saw this and told the guy in charge, we’ll call him Mr. A.
I don’t plan on going back to the Camp at all, seeing as how I haven’t been going anyway and I’m probably not going next year. Mr. A and this camp and its counselors used to be affiliated with my school but this year they branched off.
My question is, how can I get in trouble, and WHY did the counselor (she’s a girl and my friend, but shes like 18 and im 13) just HAVE to tell Mr. A. He’s probably just gonna talk to me in private if I were to ever go back to the camp but I’m afraid something might go down at my school (We’re having a new principal).
fml. answers are appreciated

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