Tag Archive | "hell"

How Many Of You Actually Think That Wwe’s Audience Is Mainly Kids?

After my question ‘Did you feel insulted by John Cena’s comment on Raw last night that said ..’ this has got me thinking about how many of you are knowledgeable in regards to WWE & it’s audience?
It’s no secret that WWE’s fans are a lot of kids, but it is actually proven statistics that the audience of kids are very very small, theirs a clip somewhere of Vince saying this (maybe Youtube) & how kids are classed as under 12’s, teens then adults from 16 upwards, however the majority of fans are actually between 20’s up until mid 40’s & even above, mainly in their 20’s & 30’s however is the biggest audience, of which they know through ticket sales & audience stats.
That’s not taking away how big & important the audience of kids are, as although it’s only a very small percent, because WWE is so huge that small percentage of kids makes a hell of a lot of money for WWE by merchandise sales, specially with all the John Cena merchandise.
I was wondering how many of you actually know/realise this as judging by some of the answers in the previous question, it made me wonder.
When you listen to the crowds chants, they are dominated by adult voices, unless Cena appears which it’s girls & kids & the boo’s are dominated by adults, but think about things such as the Ziggler chants, this is pretty much the whole arena & these are fans of wrestling, whichj is why Ziggler gets cheered even though his character is a hell, but it’s because he is so good at what he does (No one bumps & sells the way Ziggler does on the roster, he’s very old school which proves that old school is the best), also the fact that all the old school stuff is marketed so much & saving WWE TV a lot now (the re-occurance of this from IC belt, to ice cream bars, to legends appearing & mentioned so much in promo’s is all a part of this), also shows that the WWE audience is actually made up of mainly adults.
However, the small percentage of kids is still huge enough to keep happy because of the size of WWE, they make so much money from the kids buying merchandise.
Debate away & trolls feel free to troll also, as this is also another post with a perfect opportunity for you guys!

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A Question To Black Mormons?

I have been black in this country 43 years and I cannot figure out why you would choose to affiliate with a racist orginization like mormons
I hate salt lake city because everytime I fly through there you can feel the weirdness and bigotry hell I rather be in the south at least there I know?
What is the allure, they don’t like you or care about you…so why?

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How Would These Ideologies/religions Sound For My Fiction Novel?

Crucicentrism-a sect of Evangelical Fundamentalists, who base their teachings purely on the Last Judgment and thoroughly believe that good people will become Angels and sinners will become devils and both will fight in the Last Days. The Crucicentrists have an air for drama, playing out their beliefs in plays, and practice Bibliolatry (bible worshiping) and Bibliomancy (divining through the bible. They do not believe in sainthood or priesthood, but ‘angel-hood’. Every Halloween, they go to their Church and preach about the punishments in Hell and adorn their Church basement as a hell with stereotypical demons punishing sinners with pitchforks and fire. They deem snakes as evil, Catholics as pagans, Baptists/Methodists/Mormons/Lutherans/Ep… as heretics, Satanists as child-killers and evil, Wiccans and Pagans as satanists, Jews/Homosexuals/Atheists as misguided fools, Muslims as evil etc. They also condemn Shakespeare and are in favor of Prohibition, Revivalism, Bible literalism, Biblical inerrancy and authority, Creationism and Intelligent Design. They also runs a ministry called the Covenant of Restoration; where it supports chiliasm, eschatology, dispensationalism, premillennialism and saving souls. Another Ministry called Army of Innocents, includes young and older children to take their faith seriously and prepare them for ‘spiritual warfare’ and teaches them to defy secularism and liberalism. Crucicentrists also believe in Spiritual Gifts such as speaking in tongues and prophecy.
Zenithism-a sect of conservative Evangelism mixed with hardcore Politics. They are in favor of Americanism, Jingoism, Nationalism, Patriotism, Capitalism, Commercialism, Televangelism, and Consumerism. They are also sports fanatics, and fight against racial discrimination, although they do have used derogatory words as ‘compliments’.
Adamianism-a sect of Marketing and conservative Calvinists who support and advocate and live by Patriarchy, Patriocentricity, Androcentrism, Antifeminism, Dominionism, Providentialism, and Classism. They like to sugarcoat the past as it were peaceful and family-friendly before feminism or gay rights or the like. They dream of living an upper class 1950s/Frontier/Colonial society. They believe women should be homemakers and mothers and must be under the protection of their father or husband. They believe women should be cherished and protected as a ‘delicate flower’ but she must not get a job or go to college or even have authority over a man.
Cainism-A dark and shady religious sect that worships the biblical Cain as a god. The faith consists of antinomianism, maltheism, gnosticism and reincarnation. They believed in ultimate chaos, that paradise is an evil illusion, and that all humans are truly gods and should be free to do as they please. However, years of being hunted and tortured by outsiders, the followers remained true to the faith and have performed secret rituals; drinking the blood of aborted fetuses of both human and animal, offering fruits and vegetations as sacrifices, fasting, and bathing in the blood of ‘siblings’. The flock participated in libertinism, but the clergy follow a strict code of celibacy. Their sacred text is the Gospel of Judas. The clergy also possess a form of psychic power.
Reasonism-a group of Misotheists, Dystheists and Antitheists. They are humanistic but wholly anthropocentric. They ridicule anything spiritual or supernatural, and regard fairy tales and fantasy as childish, immature and useless for children when they should be learning grown up stuff.
Sardanapalism-A philosophical sect of pleasure-seeking, self-gratifying ideas and beliefs. The philosophy started out good but future generations have stained it with decadence. Its ethics seems similar to Pyrrhonism, Hedonism and Sybaritism. The followers live lives of total apathy, sensuality, luxuriousness and festivity.

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I Need Some Help With This M.i.l.f!?

I work in marketing, and recently I started dealing with this promotional items company that we are planning on ordering various different kind of items for our new company. Anyway working in this place are 2 women one younger, very shy and doesn’t speak English, the other manager woman is a freakin smokin hot MILF, Im not sure about her age but id say she’s probably 40 maybe a couple years older… she has an excellent body, nice curves, cute face although she may have a slight botox lip thing going and not normally the type of woman that I’d find attractive etc…
But with her she really is unique, and she acts totally flirty, you can tell by the way she talks to me jokingly flirts, the way she sits on her chair next to me, poses etc… Anyway I’m really wondering what to do, how do I take things further… like today we started off talking business and then they made me a coffee and I sat there with the 2 of them just chatting, she was really making no secret of her flirtatiousness… But where the hell do I take it from there? Seriously… like “yeah thats the item we want, and by the way have you got a back room or should we just do it right here on the table?” like how should I proceed, what would you do (honestly)?

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I Need Some Help With This M.i.l.f?

I work in marketing, and recently I started dealing with this promotional items company that we are planning on ordering various different kind of items for our new company. Anyway working in this place are 2 women one younger, very shy and doesn’t speak English, the other manager woman is a freakin smokin hot MILF, Im not sure about her age but id say she’s probably 40 maybe a couple years older… she has an excellent body, nice curves, cute face although she may have a slight botox lip thing going and not normally the type of woman that I’d find attractive etc…
But with her she really is unique, and she acts totally flirty, you can tell by the way she talks to me jokingly flirts, the way she sits on her chair next to me, poses etc… Anyway I’m really wondering what to do, how do I take things further… like today we started off talking business and then they made me a coffee and I sat there with the 2 of them just chatting, she was really making no secret of her flirtatiousness… But where the hell do I take it from there? Seriously… like “yeah thats the item we want, and by the way have you got a back room or should we just do it right here on the table?” like how should I proceed, what would you do (honestly)?

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Atheists: I’ve Got A Serious Problem With You And Want You To Answer Me.?

Alright, so the title is just a joke. It is true and I do have a serious and problem and want you to answer me but I thought maybe it would filter out the silly little creationists and the atheists.
Just in case you didn’t know, I’m an atheist. Just to make it clear.
I’m rather new to atheism. I used to believe in God but I decided it was obsolete and didn’t make sense. Now, it seems that my mother cries all the time about the fact that I’m apparently “going to hell.” My friends don’t like the idea of it and I have no atheist friends that I can relate with. I live in North Carolina and there is a very big Christian influence and I have to deal with my best friend telling me all the time,”You know being an atheist doesn’t make sense right? I mean, it is just stupid. You just want to do what you want to do and not want to be wrong.” He told me that over the phone today while my mother screamed at me and told me simultaneously,”You are going to hell and you know that the Bible is the only truth and the only way. I don’t care what you say. You will be a Christian again and believe the RIGHT way.”
I was so embarrassed and didn’t know how to handle it so I said,”Just because you believe what you’re told from some dusty book and the idea of hell was probably borrowed from other cultures considering others having the same idea and you just can’t face the fact of dying and no after-life.” She said to that,”No, they borrowed the idea from us.” I told her,”Mama, you are a woman of European descent and you aren’t even affiliated with the ancient Jewish people other than copying their beliefs in a remote way. They didn’t borrow nothing from you.”
I hear stuff like this daily. How do I stop having to hear how I am going to die in hell and that Jesus loves me all at the same time? I cannot stand having to hear it. What do I do? My mother made me go to church last Sunday and it is just driving me crazy. Please, I need advice. Thanks for your time.

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