Posted on 05 September 2011. Tags: city of aurora, Fable, Game, Industrial, Millfields, Quarter, shifting sands, Silverpines, sunset
I have completed the game, so you would think i would have all areas unlocked, but there is one are which is still locked, which is between Millfields and Silverpines. Does anyone know what area it is and how to unlock it? i have Bowerstone Industrial, Bowerstone Castle, Bowerstone Market, Bowerstone Old Quarter. Mourningwood, Millfields, Sunset House, Silverpines, Brightwall Village, Mercenary Camp, Mistpeak Valley, Dweller Camp, City Of Aurora, Shifting Sands, and The Veiled path unlocked. if anyone knows what that last area between Millfields and Silverpines is and how to access it, i would very much appreciate it if you could tell me 
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 19 October 2010. Tags: Design, design students, Graphic, graphic design, Industrial, job, majors, niche, waste, waste of time
I hate that there are so many areas of design now-a-days and I’ve found that many design students are afraid to look outside their niche. Frankly, I love all areas of design. This is why I’ve decided to go for a second major in Industrial design to go along with my major in graphic design and I seem to be doing well in both areas. When I tell people what my two majors are they just look at me like I’m crazy or they ask “what does graphic design have anything to do with Industrial”?
My question is, is it a waste of time and energy pursuing both of these degrees only to find that the job market is just as segregated as design schools are?
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101