Tag Archive | "level food"

2 Examples And 2 Non Examples! Biology!! Help Please?

Biology worksheet. i have the definition, but now i need 2 examples and 2 nonexamples of each word.
examples would be like, for abiotic factor: air currents, soil and nonexamples: bacteria, plants
~biological community
~food chain
~tropic level
~food web
any help would be greatly appreciated ๐Ÿ˜€

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In Which Of The Following Could One Not Reasonably Measure Biodiversity?

a. ecosystem
b. population
c. community
d. habitat
Which of the following statements about evidence is not true?
a. Police may walk through a crime scene searching for evidence
b. All evidence should be photographed
c. All evidence must be documented
d. All evidence must be taken to a crime lab to be analyzed
physcial location : habitat ::
a. function : niche
b. biodivesity : community
c. trophic level : food zone
d. consumers : trophic level

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