Tag Archive | "Lyrics"

What Song Has Lyrics “there Has To Be A Tree, There Has To Be Some Rain”?

I only remember that part from the song. I heard it maybe 8 years ago, and it’s not from radio or anything. this was a song affiliated with Anne of Green Gables. She sings about how she wants to get engaged to Diana.

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Help Identifying Niche (4×4 Bassline) Song?

Im trying to find a song. As its a niche song its not proving easy so im hoping somebody who listens to niche can help! The lyrics in the song are this:
‘Cant imagine not knowing you, they cant do this how you do’
can anyone identify this song?

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Niche Artists Around 2007-2006?

Im trying to think of a song I had in 2007 it was buy a niche artist it was a bassy song and im sure his name was dj ???????? there was a girl singing at the beginning of his song. any one have any ideas? can you list some artists it might be because im going crazy i cant even remember any of lyrics to help the search lol

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