Tag Archive | "massive debts"

Will Lord Blackheath Ever Get An Inquiry Into The 15 Trillion Dollar Scam?

I understand that for the average reader the mind simply rebels at the thought of our governments and (supposedly) respectable leaders of business demonstrating themselves to be no different (at all) from a Mafia crime-family. So let me once again summarize these parameters altogether:
a) There are no buyers for the $trillions of U.S. Treasuries (i.e. no one wants this paper).
b) There are no sources of (legitimate) capital to finance the purchases of these $trillions.
c) The U.S. government is so close to outright financial collapse that it cannot afford to pay any interest on its massive debts. An increase of U.S. interest rates by even 1% would send the U.S. economy into an immediate, deflationary death-spiral (as I have explained in many previous commentaries).
d) Debt-saturated Western government balance sheets cannot tolerate any further large increases in debt without a series of domino-like debt defaults.
e) Because of the factors above, the only way to prop-up the Treasuries market (and fraudulently maintain prices at the highest levels in history) was to create a mountain of unofficial/illegitimate money (i.e. counterfeit it), and then use that unofficial currency to buy-up these worthless Treasuries.
For those clinging to the belief that there must be some rational/legitimate explanation for the paper-trail uncovered by Lord James, he dispels that with some further observations of his own. To begin with, there are concrete financial protocols which have been created to integrate any/every new large batch of the bankers’ fiat paper into global financial markets. None of those protocols was followed.
Along the way with this scam, Lord James also pointed out that $100’s of billions in profits were generated, with none of those profits ever being recorded let alone reported (and taxed). In short, this is every bit as illegal as the $100’s of billions in heroin-trade profits laundered by Wall Street each year – from the poppy-fields of Afghanistan. For those pointing out that the fraudulent U.S. Treasuries market hasn’t (yet) required $15 trillion in funny-money to extend this Ponzi-scheme, obviously the banksters can come up with plenty of other uses for their counterfeited/laundered money.
Where do people think that the Plunge Protection Team comes up with its own capital for its daily manipulations of U.S. markets?
Ultra-leveraged Wall Street balance sheets (greater than 30:1) only required a drop in U.S. housing prices of 3% to take their entire paper empires to zero. U.S. housing prices have fallen more than ten times that far. We can only guess at how $trillions (in secret hand-outs) it has taken to delay the implosion of those fraud-factories even this long.
This also explains the fanatical desperation which the Federal Reserve has shown in fighting even the tiniest request for disclosure about its “lending operations”. When you’re secretly counterfeiting $trillions every year, the last thing you want to hear is anything that even faintly resembles the word “audit”.
The U.S. Treasuries market is nothing but a gigantic (and clumsy) fraud. Along with the motive which I have previously supplied for this fraud, Lord James of Blackheath has added “means” and “opportunity” through his own diligent investigations. If the Rule of Law was not already dead in the United States, there is more than enough evidence here to justify a formal (and public) inquiry. Don’t hold your breath?
Banksters openly robbing us all they need assest stripping and put alongside the Patsy Bernie maddoff These corporations make him look like a Choir Boy?

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Global Footprint,fuel Duty And A Manipulative Government- Is There A Catch?

Whilst I don’t mind the capable drivers of exceeding 70mph and the rich giving more fuel duty to combat the deficit- I have major reservations in all areas of a motorway speed limit increase being abDo you know anything about how the European union and the UK are affiliated and how the Uk have to allocate money to Europe or how Europe allow concessions to the Uk?
I’m presently doing a project for my work based learning and have found so many reasons to oppose considerations regarding an increase of motorway speed limits (live fast die young) – if we are depleting natural resources such as oil- more fuel consumption – then surely we have to ask what the down side is? Our government seem to think the fuel duty is a win win situation for them leaving the average citizen thinking they have won a cocession and can get to work earlier: I am scepticle and believe either Europe will tax us more or will offer us less due to our callousness. If we increase health risks through pollution, increase the risks of fatlities and increase the risks of straining our emergency services- surely this is going to incur us further deficit?
I would like any information you can give- specifiaclly regarding how we are obligated to paying Europe money or how Europe give us concessions regarding our attempts to control our global footprint- CAN you help- please?le to do what the Government expect- I beklieve we are going to incur massive debts simply by increasing our global footprint and depleting natural resources- never mind straining our emergency services- people are predominately older with less reaction speed. please read the following and allow me your knowledge- PLEASE:Do you know anything about how the European union and the UK are affiliated and how the Uk have to allocate money to Europe or how Europe allow concessions to the Uk?
I’m presently doing a project for my work based learning and have found so many reasons to oppose considerations regarding an increase of motorway speed limits (live fast die young) – if we are depleting natural resources such as oil- more fuel consumption – then surely we have to ask what the down side is? Our government seem to think the fuel duty is a win win situation for them leaving the average citizen thinking they have won a cocession and can get to work earlier: I am scepticle and believe either Europe will tax us more or will offer us less due to our callousness. If we increase health risks through pollution, increase the risks of fatlities and increase the risks of straining our emergency services- surely this is going to incur us further deficit?
I would like any information you can give- specifiaclly regarding how we are obligated to paying Europe money or how Europe give us concessions regarding our attempts to control our global footprint- CAN you help- please?

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Is This A Realistic Timetable For Harold Camping’s Followers May 21 2011?

Let’s start at 5:00pm, an hour before the 2nd Coming of Christ and the Judgment of All Mankind is scheduled to occur, according to his brilliant numerology:
5:00pm = Everyone gets into their Sunday Best and goes to Chur- um…I mean, random parking lots and community centers all over the world to dance around singing “Hallelujah.Hallelujah.”
5:30pm = Last meal before the Rapture, funds are kind of tight so everyone will have to settle for Franks and Beans in the western hemisphere and just beans everywhere else. “Close your eyes and imagine it’s a juicy Thanksgiving Turkey, like the Israelites ate of the Mannah!” Camping will say.
5:59pm : Arms raised, hands joined with white knuckles, lots of crying and speaking in tongues…aaaaaaaaannnndddd…
6:05pm: ….arms getting tired… lots of people sneaking peeks at their wristwatches and pre paid cell phones …
6:20pm : Someone turns on the radio and flips through stations, listening for emergency reports of massive natural disasters….. nothing….. nothing… BBC football.. nothing… weather reports… top 40…nothing….
7:00pm : Evening News van crew outside the parking lot has went from snickering to belly laughing at the crowd , who is now milling around and thinning out.
8:50pm: Word is out that Harold Camping has been found dead in his broadcasting booth, dead from self inflicted gunshot wound into the brainstem. Around him are shredded pages of his personal bible , and scrawled on the glass of the booth in cupcake frosting are the words “DAMMIT I WAS SO SURE THIS TIME.”
10:00pm Camping’s family announces that an empty pile of clothes were found in Camping’s booth, and that they were closing the radio ministry and changing it to a Top 40 station affiliate, in order to pay off massive debts Camping accumulated these last few months.
12:00 AM 5/22/2011 : News reports start trickling in around the world of mass suicides of Campings followers, mostly overseas.
10AM 5/22/2011: Churches around the world have Sunday Service as usual, throwing in a quick word about “It does indeed say in the bible in several places that nobody knows when the end will come, just look at THAT idiot…” and life goes on.
The End.
What do you think?

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Is This A Realistic Timetable For Harold Camping’s Followers May 21 2011?

Let’s start at 5:00pm, an hour before the 2nd Coming of Christ and the Judgment of All Mankind is scheduled to occur, according to his brilliant numerology:
5:00pm = Everyone gets into their Sunday Best and goes to Chur- um…I mean, random parking lots and community centers all over the world to dance around singing “Hallelujah.Hallelujah.”
5:30pm = Last meal before the Rapture, funds are kind of tight so everyone will have to settle for Franks and Beans in the western hemisphere and just beans everywhere else. “Close your eyes and imagine it’s a juicy Thanksgiving Turkey, like the Israelites ate of the Mannah!” Camping will say.
5:59pm : Arms raised, hands joined with white knuckles, lots of crying and speaking in tongues…aaaaaaaaannnndddd…
6:05pm: ….arms getting tired… lots of people sneaking peeks at their wristwatches and pre paid cell phones …
6:20pm : Someone turns on the radio and flips through stations, listening for emergency reports of massive natural disasters….. nothing….. nothing… BBC football.. nothing… weather reports… top 40…nothing….
7:00pm : Evening News van crew outside the parking lot has went from snickering to belly laughing at the crowd , who is now milling around and thinning out.
8:50pm: Word is out that Harold Camping has been found dead in his broadcasting booth, dead from self inflicted gunshot wound into the brainstem. Around him are shredded pages of his personal bible , and scrawled on the glass of the booth in cupcake frosting are the words “DAMMIT I WAS SO SURE THIS TIME.”
10:00pm Camping’s family announces that an empty pile of clothes were found in Camping’s booth, and that they were closing the radio ministry and changing it to a Top 40 station affiliate, in order to pay off massive debts Camping accumulated these last few months.
12:00 AM 5/22/2011 : News reports start trickling in around the world of mass suicides of Campings followers, mostly overseas.
10AM 5/22/2011: Churches around the world have Sunday Service as usual, throwing in a quick word about “It does indeed say in the bible in several places that nobody knows when the end will come, just look at THAT idiot…” and life goes on.
The End.
What do you think?

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Is This A Realistic Timetable For Harold Camping’s Followers May 21 2011?

Let’s start at 5:00pm, an hour before the 2nd Coming of Christ and the Judgment of All Mankind is scheduled to occur, according to his brilliant numerology:
5:00pm = Everyone gets into their Sunday Best and goes to Chur- um…I mean, random parking lots and community centers all over the world to dance around singing “Hallelujah.Hallelujah.”
5:30pm = Last meal before the Rapture, funds are kind of tight so everyone will have to settle for Franks and Beans in the western hemisphere and just beans everywhere else. “Close your eyes and imagine it’s a juicy Thanksgiving Turkey, like the Israelites ate of the Mannah!” Camping will say.
5:59pm : Arms raised, hands joined with white knuckles, lots of crying and speaking in tongues…aaaaaaaaannnndddd…
6:05pm: ….arms getting tired… lots of people sneaking peeks at their wristwatches and pre paid cell phones …
6:20pm : Someone turns on the radio and flips through stations, listening for emergency reports of massive natural disasters….. nothing….. nothing… BBC football.. nothing… weather reports… top 40…nothing….
7:00pm : Evening News van crew outside the parking lot has went from snickering to belly laughing at the crowd , who is now milling around and thinning out.
8:50pm: Word is out that Harold Camping has been found dead in his broadcasting booth, dead from self inflicted gunshot wound into the brainstem. Around him are shredded pages of his personal bible , and scrawled on the glass of the booth in cupcake frosting are the words “DAMMIT I WAS SO SURE THIS TIME.”
10:00pm Camping’s family announces that an empty pile of clothes were found in Camping’s booth, and that they were closing the radio ministry and changing it to a Top 40 station affiliate, in order to pay off massive debts Camping accumulated these last few months.
12:00 AM 5/22/2011 : News reports start trickling in around the world of mass suicides of Campings followers, mostly overseas.
10AM 5/22/2011: Churches around the world have Sunday Service as usual, throwing in a quick word about “It does indeed say in the bible in several places that nobody knows when the end will come, just look at THAT idiot…” and life goes on.
The End.
What do you think?

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