me and my mate want to do something but we dont know what to do where we live there isnt much to do so any ideas on what we can do?
Posted on 20 April 2013.
me and my mate want to do something but we dont know what to do where we live there isnt much to do so any ideas on what we can do?
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101Comments (0)
Posted on 09 July 2012.
I have a mate of mine who in simple words “easily sold”, if something looks good he’ll dive at it, he doesn’t believe in the too good to be true scenario. He’s recently come across something he likes to call “expansion marketing” in which he works as an affiliate for Healthcare product corporation. I’m not sure if you understand this term, basically you pay a base fee to join this affiliate group in which you can start referring other people to join gaining credit points per person beneath you as well as commission. Now it looks all good, but ive always believed if it was too good to be true then it probably is, no such thing as a business that doesnt screw someone over. Money doesn’t pop out of nowhere, someone gets screwed. I’d just like to know is he in any way justified in a stable position with this “job”
My issues with it are:
– It looks like a job with minimal effort and high reward
– Seems to have no flaws in its structural system
– Everybody wins in this business
– You can have a constant pay cheque of over 60k
My friend is also a kind of person who prefers to only present the positive so that his plans seem flawless which in the end smacks him in the back of the head cus the problems start rising. So basically, Healthcare affiliates, stable job or no? if its legit tell me why, if it isnt give me all the dirt
Posted in Featured ArticlesComments (0)
Posted on 12 May 2011.
As a potential mate. I even spoke to one of my guy friends asked him to call him and he told me that my boyfriend told him he wants space from me (Even though my boyfriend never said that to me..), I also asked well is he seeking out other potential partners, he has me blocked on facebook? (I talked to him about that he said he didn’t want to unblock me and that its no big deal) My friends’ answer was “Well would you blame him?” (for seeking out new partner.?) My reply was…. Well I was dumbfounded, I thought in no way should I expect him to be seeking out another partner? My friend seemed to know what hes talking about.
I have friended that person on another account who is facebook friends with my partner. She seems to be kinda sheltered from the reality of deep emotional human life. Seems to be trying to get my partners’ attention (I tryed to friend my partner too from another account he did not take the request..) but I see no comments from him on her page.
I considered I might just be fearful as it is some kinda set up… although the girl has some partner who they may or may not be serious about, they are both mexican.
It looks like shes making a secret relationship and it looks like my partner is being sold on a black market or something.. its very strange. I contacted my partners’ sister to help me she did not accept and neither do his parents. He lives with them.
If he really is pursuing her? I am obviously really stupid, and have been trying for this guy for 4 years now just to get dumped for some little ugly, talentless skank. What else should I do in terms of trying to get information. His sister just moved back to town. In fact I decided to move far far away just to stay away from his family and his sister. I stopped calling when his sister was around and basically gave up on everything but hoping on some kind of future with him.
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101Comments (0)
Posted on 07 February 2011.
They’re in charge of the U.S. Senate so if they want to they can really get in there with the senators and make a lot of good policy changes that will make life better for Brandon and his family and his classroom.” –Sarah Palin, getting the vice president’s constitutional role wrong after being asked by a third grader what the vice president does, interview with NBC affiliate KUSA in Colorado, Oct. 21, 2008.
Posted in Featured ArticlesComments (0)
Posted on 07 February 2011.
They’re in charge of the U.S. Senate so if they want to they can really get in there with the senators and make a lot of good policy changes that will make life better for Brandon and his family and his classroom.” –Sarah Palin, getting the vice president’s constitutional role wrong after being asked by a third grader what the vice president does, interview with NBC affiliate KUSA in Colorado, Oct. 21, 2008.
Posted in Featured ArticlesComments (0)
Posted on 07 February 2011.
They’re in charge of the U.S. Senate so if they want to they can really get in there with the senators and make a lot of good policy changes that will make life better for Brandon and his family and his classroom.” –Sarah Palin, getting the vice president’s constitutional role wrong after being asked by a third grader what the vice president does, interview with NBC affiliate KUSA in Colorado, Oct. 21, 2008.
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