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What Can I Do To Help My Daughter? Very Importan1 Pls Help Me!!! Please!!!?

alright well, my daughter and i live in the state of massachusetts. im a single mother and shes 13. she had a severe anxiety disorder along with rarely severe OCD. it contains her and i both to the house. she throws up constantly from stress, and had back problems from holding so many knots back there. we both cry at least once a day usualy, and the condidtion she lives with is horrible. we are both very spiritual, so dont get us wrong, we love god and we feel blssed that it isnt something more than this. anyway, do to mydaughters severe condition, it was getting hard for her to hand write because her OCD and anxiety always gave her bad thoughts in her head, and when she would write words on a paper at the same time of thinking those bad thoughts, she would feel like it would definetly happen, since the bad thoughts would get cought between the pencil and the paper, or something like that, im not really sure how she discribed it. so her work strted to fall behind and her teachers started to give her more stress, so she ended up crying in school, which is something she hasnt done k or 1st grade. shes a very stong girl!so it was so hard for me to watch my baby go through this everyday, she stayed home for about 2 months. then the school filed against us. so we went to court and the judge ruled that she had to go to school. after court is over im going to try to get her into some sort of program such as home tutoring so she can not be so stressed, (at least until her meds start working.) before the whole court thing came up i was on the right track with this but them when the truency issue came up, they started ignoring me! i cannot homeschool because as a single mother i have to make a living. i dont know what to do anymore! shes even been asessed at a mental hospital! pls help me! do i have any options after the whole court thing is over?
btw- my daughter has always been in spectrum and the top classes since she was 8 years old, she doesnt usually get lower than an eighty on a test, and she is very bright.
sorry this was so long, i just want help for my daughter! thank you so much!

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