Posted on 03 November 2012. Tags: adult advice, Appreciated., apprentice, bff, dorms, friends family, Home, issue, local college, mature adults, mess, Option, pastors, summer break, sunday afternoon
So here goes, my mess be patient please! 
19 going on 20 my boyfriend of over a year wants to get married next year, The issue is we live 4 hours apart. I am away at school for nursing and he is an apprentice for a mechanic. We have known eachother since we where 15 our friends, family, and pastors are all behind us in getting married. Things just aren’t working though. I go home every 2 weeks for the weekend to see him and friends and family, but then I have to drive back to school on Sunday afternoon which is 4 hours away from his house (3 from our hometown) He really wants me to come back to town and go to our towns local college for their nursing program, but the school they are affiliated with is not a well known or a recognizable school. Option 2. The same school as the one in my town is located 1.5 hours away from my home town and affiliated with a recongizable school however this kinda impedes on his marriage idea because he wants to get married once I start my “summer break” in may or the first weekish of june. It;s really hard for him to see me and for us to cordinate everything Option 3. My best friends is going to the most recognized school in my province and I could go with her and room with her ( better than living in dorms) but still 3/4 hours away. Option 4. If I go to the school with my bff, then I can transfer the next semester to where my boyfriend will be doing trade school and we could be together (married some how because he wants to be married this spring remember) he would just have to be willing to move up towards my area for work.
See this is a mess, I would really appreciate some opinions that might work from adults. Mature adults I don’t want comments from people being tool’s about the situation.
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 31 October 2012. Tags: abiding citizens, abortion rates, Bush, bush tax cuts, dollar surplus, hearts and minds, mess, military spending, office, pipeline gas, record earthquakes, Telling, unprecedented levels, warp speed, way
2 trillion dollars in additional military spending equal the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan all over again.
5 trillion dollars in tax cuts equal the Bush tax cuts on Steroids all over again.
The Bush tax cuts and the two wars is what got us into this mess in the first place. When Clinton left office we had a projected 10 year surplus of over 10 trillion dollars which we could’ve easily manged the 2008 financial collapses with, All Bush had to do is not f up the surplus he would’ve been the greatest President ever.
The Republicans are the ones who did not make the Bush tax cuts permanent because they knew that they were unsustainable. Reagan slashed taxes on the rich dramatically in the 80’s and then had to re raise them 3 years later because they almost tanked the economy. Republicans know their polices dont work yet insist upon them.
If niche issues are your issues in this election the way to get abortion rates down is through education and standard of living which the platform does not believe in because they’re against minimum wage, workers rights (unions are built the middle class) and equality. My brother is a pastor who believes Christians are getting lazy preferring to dictate over winning hearts and minds by actually ministering. America is not a theocracy it is a Democracy slashed Republic experiment. Lets not forget China is a Republic and they censor and suppress the hell out of their people the way modern Republicans want to do law abiding citizens here.
I just don’t understand how any ones voting for this Romney chump. Lies fly out of this guys mouth at warp speed. He knows as well has environmentalist that fracking and drilling is what setting record earthquakes and he knows the day he signs the Keystone pipeline gas prices will soar to unprecedented levels. We were suppose to have a 10 trillion dollar surplus by now and lightspeed rail all over the country. We are way behind. i grew up watching the Jetsons I want to see the cars hovering off the ground lol. Republicans refuse to move this country in the future which is what its going to take to move population headed towards 400 million people, Conservatism is holding this country back.
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 31 October 2012. Tags: abiding citizens, abortion rates, Bush, bush tax cuts, dollar surplus, hearts and minds, mess, military spending, office, pipeline gas, record earthquakes, Telling, unprecedented levels, warp speed, way
2 trillion dollars in additional military spending equal the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan all over again.
5 trillion dollars in tax cuts equal the Bush tax cuts on Steroids all over again.
The Bush tax cuts and the two wars is what got us into this mess in the first place. When Clinton left office we had a projected 10 year surplus of over 10 trillion dollars which we could’ve easily manged the 2008 financial collapses with, All Bush had to do is not f up the surplus he would’ve been the greatest President ever.
The Republicans are the ones who did not make the Bush tax cuts permanent because they knew that they were unsustainable. Reagan slashed taxes on the rich dramatically in the 80’s and then had to re raise them 3 years later because they almost tanked the economy. Republicans know their polices dont work yet insist upon them.
If niche issues are your issues in this election the way to get abortion rates down is through education and standard of living which the platform does not believe in because they’re against minimum wage, workers rights (unions are built the middle class) and equality. My brother is a pastor who believes Christians are getting lazy preferring to dictate over winning hearts and minds by actually ministering. America is not a theocracy it is a Democracy slashed Republic experiment. Lets not forget China is a Republic and they censor and suppress the hell out of their people the way modern Republicans want to do law abiding citizens here.
I just don’t understand how any ones voting for this Romney chump. Lies fly out of this guys mouth at warp speed. He knows as well has environmentalist that fracking and drilling is what setting record earthquakes and he knows the day he signs the Keystone pipeline gas prices will soar to unprecedented levels. We were suppose to have a 10 trillion dollar surplus by now and lightspeed rail all over the country. We are way behind. i grew up watching the Jetsons I want to see the cars hovering off the ground lol. Republicans refuse to move this country in the future which is what its going to take to move population headed towards 400 million people, Conservatism is holding this country back.
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 13 April 2012. Tags: application, criminal history, different things, janitor, job, mess, military airplanes, plenty, security clearance, telling the truth, type of government, Want
But here is my question this job requires a security clearance,and it is some type of government affiliated place they provide different things for military airplanes,and stuff like that,I just applied for a janitor job it pays 11 an hr with plenty of benefits.But I lied on the application about my criminal history its not a bad one and its not a good one either I have not been in trouble since 08 and they are drug possesion.I want to be honest with them,I lied because I really wanted the job now I am nervous that not telling the truth will jeapordize me getting the job.What would be best at this point I really want it I could retire from there all them benefits..
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 11 June 2011. Tags: catalog product, mess, mom, outfit, shoes, wetseal
my mom says it looks a mess. what do you think?………
Posted in Featured Articles