Posted on 04 October 2012. Tags: berlin wall, cake walk, cost of living, fullfillment, middle class, secret agenda, stock market, term limits, veneration, web of deceit
Once Mitt is elected I will take over the throne so to speak. We’ve been weaving a web of deceit for the gullible republicans.
1) This country will undergo lock down. No one in or out. The Berlin Wall is back.
2) Medicare and Social Security will be pushed into the stock market. The 1 percent will expand like you haven’t seen yet.
3) Term limits will be eradicated. We will be in power as long as I say so.
4) The Middle Class will be pushed to their limits through the increased cost of living and dropped into impoverished hell.
5) No welfare once you’ve fallen through the cracks. 47 percent will become 99 percent.
6) Religion will be replaced with veneration of the state. Your fullfillment will come from the blessings of having Mitt and I as your leaders.
Obama will be a cake walk to the hell Mitt and I will unleash. MWAHAHAHAHA
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 01 October 2012. Tags: "self, berlin wall, cake walk, cost of living, hell, Medicare, middle class, Obama, one, percent, secret agenda, self interests, stock market, term limits, web of deceit
Once Mitt is elected I will take over the throne so to speak. We’ve been weaving a web of deceit for the gullible republicans who suprisingly enough continue to vote against their own self interests.
1) This country will undergo lock down. No one in or out. The Berlin Wall is back.
2) Medicare and Social Security will be pushed into the stock market. The 1 percent will expand like you haven’t seen yet.
3) Term limits will be eradicated. We will be in power as long as I say so.
4) The Middle Class will be pushed to their limits through the increased cost of living and dropped into impoverished hell.
5) No welfare once you’ve fallen through the cracks. 47 percent will become 99 percent.
Obama will be a cake walk to the hell Mitt and I will unleash. MWAHAHAHAHA
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 03 September 2012. Tags: Circles, class, grandma, Hobbies, middle class, mindset, person, poser, sweater
Ok. I am not super-rich but I do have an eye for what I consider attractive. I wear whatever I want and I have never tried to be “preppy” or “punk”. Sometimes I cross dress, but it’s never too serious like “I want to be a woman”. For example. I wore my grandma’s old sweater that expanded and looked masculine. People at school have never called me a poser, but they certainly imply that I am. It irritates me, even though I have a strong mindset that it shouldn’t. One person even thinks I am copying their style. My family makes 50,000 plus a year(middle class,right?) I am not affiliated with any clique whatsoever. I am very independent and friends in multiple circles. I don’t hang out with people after school; I stick to myself and my hobbies. AM I A POSER????
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 18 December 2011. Tags: class, core message, decency, dog eat dog, dog types, leftie, message, middle class, OWS, Party, screw, wealthy owners, winger, world mentality
The core message of OWS is that ‘Wall St’, namely big corporations
with huge amounts of money, is able to control actions of the
government in such a manner which shall benefit the corporations and
their wealthy owners at the expense of eliminating the passage of any
policies that would be beneficial to the middle class and the poor.
Most people affiliate the OWS movement with the Democratic party.
That is, people assume that most OWS participants are lefties.
With that being said, wouldn’t this suggest that
people generally assume that it is the leftie who cares more about having
a fair system while the right-winger has more of a ‘screw the little guy if
you have to because that’s what it takes in a dog-eat-dog world’ mentality?
Democrats are seen as being advocates of decency and fairness while
republicans are seen as dog-eat-dog types (as in screw thy neighbor and
just look out for yourself).
I’m sure that everyone agrees with my opinion…
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 03 November 2010. Tags: ballot, ballott, democrat, democrat leaders, democrat party, democrat voters, democratic voters, grammar, haha, insult, middle class, Party, party affiliation, Republican, speaker of the house
I consider myself a Republican because of the % of my views, but im very open-minded when it comes to politics. Also im 18 years of age, so please understand my grammar may seem a little “funny” to the older crowd haha.
Anyways, Something i dont understand is why is it when We all voted to have it so when you went to a official ballot, You could not see what party affiliation the Prop, or Person running was affiliated with. Now, my question is why were the democrats so upset with this? I did research and heard the head of the Democrat Party (speaker of the house) and many other democrat leaders say that “We have to have the Party Affiliation down there because the democrat voters need the guidance.”
So my question is why would they say this? Why not let people vote for what they believe in. And ive been told by a Republican, And read this carefully so you do not misunderstand, He said that More republicans do their research Than democrats. Now thats not saying that Democrats dont do their research because PLENTY do. But meaning the Middle-class less educated ones dont really do the research and just go to the ballott and just vote “democrat”. I dont agree with this at all, and im also confused why the democrat leaders Would say this about democratic voters, because it seems like a insult to the democratic voters. Just looking for responses
Posted in Featured Articles