Tag Archive | "migration"

Evolution Question, Please Help?

Ancestral species are common on a certain hawaiian island. However, on the islands surrounding it derived species are more common. Does this phenomenon support dispersal or vicariance? Explain.
I think it supports dispersal, because it’s likely that the ancestral species originated on the first island and then through migration moved to the other islands, occupying slightly different niches and conditions and thus becoming different. I don’t think it would support vicariance because if an event broke up all the islands wouldn’t the species be completely different and not derived?

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About Migration In B.tech From One College To Another?

Sir,i am studing in b.tech 2nd sem in JIET which is affiliated to kuk.i want to get migration in other college with same university.tell me how can i get it. there is any problem if i will get any re_appear in 1st semester.

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Why Do People Look To Fossil Evidence For Proof Of Evolution?

In order for a speciman to fossilize conditions must be seemingly perfect to allow this process to occur. You say we were created in gods image so we can’t be the descendants of apes yet the fossils we HAVE found suggest nothing to the contrary yt this evidence is completely dismissed. Also for those of you whose argument is solely then why are there still apes around then or why hasn’t every animal evolved to be as “smart” as we I have both answers. To the first speciation. Other animals will sometimes split off from another species and form their own this can be due to change in demography gene pool and natural occurance such as an earthquake that separates the group allowing them to continue to evolve separately. This Is supported by all the different races of humaniy, although we have become differnt species we did evolve to fit our differenb environments also neandrathal man provide an example of when two groups of which evolved from a common answer split and became to separate species probably in the first migration out of Africa. As the first group left they evolved in neandrathol while this who remained in Africa stay and became modern humans. During the second migration we competed heavily with the neandrthals and eventually drove them to extinction. This is also an explanatisecondly second answer, ecological niche, a simplistic definition meaning that two animal that share an exact niche cannot compete for the resource and one will eventually become extinct. In addition to neandrthals This can be evidenced by countless other cases of extinction. Being blunt, I would be stupid for a species to evolve as we did bc we would outcompete them for resources and they would eventually go extinct. Also a common mistake is to believe evolution happens over night when in fact it occurs over thousands of generations only eventually leading to an observable outcome. This is why we research evolution in species with short generation spans such as bacteria

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Some Biology Questions?

1.Evolution occurs:
A) by altering physical traits but not behavioral traits.
B) only when the environment is changing.
C) only via natural selection, genetic drift, migration, or mutation
2.Thomas Malthus’s 1798 work, Essay on the Principle of Population, greatly influenced Darwin. Which of the following statements best summarizes Malthus’s idea?
A) Animals are able to pass to their offspring characteristics that were acquired in their lifetimes.
B) Individuals with better competitive abilities are more likely to survive and pass their genes to the next generation.
C) Isolated populations of organisms tend to differentiate into new species to fill different niches.
D) People reproduce much more quickly than their resources do. This results in competition for food and space, and in suffering and death.
3.Which of the following groups would be placed nearest the fungi in a phylogenetic tree based on DNA sequences?
A) gymnosperms
B) cyanobacteria
C) animals
4.To which one of the following is the bat’s wing NOT homologous?
A) the lion’s foreleg
B) the dragonfly’s wing
C) the human’s arm
D) the bird’s wing
5.The classic experiments performed in the 1950s by Harold Urey and Stanley Miller, were the first to show that:
A) simple organic molecules, such as amino acids, could form spontaneously in the laboratory under chemical conditions mimicking those of primitive Earth.
B) water (H2O) could be separated into atmospheric oxygen and H2 gas.
C) naturally occurring antibiotics, such as penicillin, could be used to treat bacterial diseases.
6.Which of the following molecules was NOT present in the pre-biotic environment?
A) ammonia (NH3)
B) methane (CH4)
C) molecular oxygen (O2)
D) water (H2O)
7.Much of what is known about the history of the origin of life came from:
A) written history.
B) word of mouth.
C) educated guesses.
D) the study of fossils.
8.The biological species concept is primarily based on:
A) reproductive isolation.
B) phylogenetic history.
C) ecological niche.
9.The biological species concept:
A) is infrequently used because it is inapplicable to many organisms.
B) states that any organisms that are biologically similar constitute a species.
C) defines a species as any group of actually or potentially interbreeding species that produce viable offspring

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Are Two Different Bird Niches Capable Of Nesting Two Feet Above Each Other?

or the past two years I’ve had a robin’s nest in a small Colorado Spruce in my front yard. This winter I noticed that there had been two nests all along, one around two feet above the other. I have always seen the Robins guarding the tree from march until migration time, even until now. But today I have been watching a mourning dove flying debris it has collected from my yard in and flying out the tree. The Robin standing on the ground near by, watching. I would rather have robins for pest control reasons. Is it possible they can nest so close with each other?
-I am having a hard time finding the perfect category for this question.

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Evolution Homework Help!?

What term is used to describe genetic exchange caused by migration of organisms or the gametes of organisms?
What do we call small changes in gene frequencies from generation to generation?
What is the type of selection that occurs between a male and female of a species regarding mate choice?
What evolutionary mechanism accounts for a change in a population’s allele frequency due to chance?
Name the type of natural selection that occurs when intra-specific competition is very intense, such that the members of a population must divide the niche and its resources among themselves.
Name the type of selection that occurs most often in unchanging conditions
Name the term that describes the physical differences between two sexes.

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