Posted on 12 November 2012. Tags: adults, average girl, college, colleges, dad, damper, feelings, little bit, mom, mom and dad, orginization, private practice, sadness, therapist, Want
Hi, I am 13 and have been sad (not depressed just blue. Doctor said I am fine. I am not suicidal. I talk to my parents a lot, but I have been a little more down then the average girl. I am very philosophical and think about big stuff)
My mom and dad and doctor said I could see a therapist IF I WANT TOO. I don’t need to because I talk to my mo and dad (my mom is actually a therapist herself, but for adults). I think a little bit of talk therapy with a professional could help me sort out my feelings and my family agrees. Not now, because I am doing better but in the future if I am interested in some outside help .
Anyway, I asked a question about my sadness a little while ago and got good, helpful replies. Many said if I wanted I could try a therapist. But one person said that I should not see a therapist or go back to my doctor, because if they thought I was depressed, it would go onto my permanent record.
And it would put a damper on college.
Is that true? Would colleges not accept me?
And, if I see a therapist in a private practice (not affiliated with a hospital or any orginization) would it go on my record?
Would colleges not want a smart, Straight-A student with good extracurriculars (assuming i still have those things when I am older) who has suffered a little with some sadness?
Help! I am so worried that I won’t et into college if I reach out for help!
Thank you! 
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 15 October 2011. Tags: courage, curiosity, dad, fever, grasses, house, Lullaby, mom and dad, niche, refrain, salve, shuffle, sun bonnet, vines
She shuffled by our house, so frail and bent,
As no one thought of where the lady went.
As she returned, no one was there to see,
As down a path she blended with the trees.
We hid and giggled as she hobbled near
Emboldened courage, immature in years.
The childish jeering from our hidden niche,
This frail sun bonnet lady, we yelled “witch”.
One day a fever kept me home from class.
I watched the lady shuffle down the path.
My curiosity, in strength, convened
I followed, silent, frightened and unseen.
A house was floating in the grasses tall;
As vines of every species claimed the walls.
Around the side, a window I peeked in;
A man with twisted limbs and crackled skin.
The lady rubbed a salve to ease his pain.
And sweetly hummed a lullaby refrain.
I told what I had seen to mom and dad.
My dad arose alert and mom grew sad.
How soon the path was hacked into a drive,
And cars of food and nurses soon arrived.
As children do, I grew to ventures new.
No looking back, with growing up to do.
Our lives are clouds of layered, restless change.
We mirror how they form and rearrange;
And send a wind to hum a treetop song;
A soothing lullaby, so quickly gone..
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 21 July 2011. Tags: afair, Book, counselor, dad, face, guidence counselor, handsome girls, Home, jewish features, math test, mental disability, mom and dad, retart, state math, step dad
My Mom had a afair with her sisters husband. I was a created from the afair. I never knew I was a product of a afair. My mom hates me, and blames me for being born. Because my moms husband is african american, so its very obviouse my mom had a afair. Despite this my mom, and step dad lied to me, and told me I was mixed. I grew up getting into fights with black people telling me Im not black, and me telling them I am. I saw my face as mixed even though I am obviosly white. I have a point European nose, and jewish features. Light brown even blondish hair, and blue eyes.My mom left me and took my brothers and sisters with her when I was 16 teen. She came back a year later and continued hating me. She would have my older brother beat me up, even jump me with other kids. She would buy, or make dinner for all my siblings except me. And she even told me every day I am a retard, and will never be anything. She ment it literally, that I had a mental disability. The guidence counselor at my school tried to tell her I scored the highest on the state math test. And that I should go to college, and asked her to sign a schollarship paper. My mom told the guidence counselor im a little retart , and I am not going to college. She then(my mom) told me to get a job at a factory.She planned to make me un marriable and have me forever tucked away in her basement hiding the secret. But I was handsome girls would call the house, guidence counselors were knocking because I was smart. So to solve her problem she kicked me out the house, and had me disowned from the whole famly cuzins, and all. She told them I was a bad terrible son. I stayed in agroup home, and still finished my senior year of high school. the group home had a step program to get those kids working a apartment. I found a job quickly, and was going to get the apartment. Until my mom called the week before knowing said she wants me to come home. My mom and dad had been seperated for the 2 months I was gone. The day I came back my step Dad sucker punched me in the mouth my mom told the police it was my fault and they locked me up. I spent three days in jail till my cuzin bailed me out. My Dad droped the fake charges because it was bringing my Mom un wanted attention. Then I finally figured out why my mom was doing this, and that I was a product of a afair. I acidently bumped into my uncle, that I was never aloud to see, or be at the same famly get togethers as. He had my face, even my weird hands. My ant told me that the afair happend when they had a 1year old sone and a 2 yearold son, and when. that placed the afair at nine months before I was born.I eventually made into NYU( a good school). I teach kids who go through abuse like me. And I even act or try to be a star.I was on one collegehumor sketh , and had one speaking under 5 in a movie.I actually even landed a lead in a NBC pilot that was cancled. Sorry Im babbling. But really what do you think? Is this worthy of a novel? theres other small stories in my life that go with my story. Like the time I caused a huge union strike at a supermarket I worked at for discriminating agianst me. I won and the racist super market was forced to finaly hire minoritys from the section 8 housing project across the street.I came from little rochester new york to big NYC by myself.I put on a whole theater show before with a simple marketting plan and fufilled my first dream of doing sketch comedy. My first modeling gig the guy wiped out his meat and put porn on , and said I need you to be more sexy. I ran away! My x threw a brick at my friend because she was jealouse. And made me loose my voice before my first audition because swhe was so jealose/insecure (it was a sex scene). My baby sister would always talk to me, and play with me. I decided I could never see her again when my mom slammed her head into the wall for talking to me. She was hysterical when that happened, and hysterical when I told her at 5 I wasnt going to be able to see her for a long time. I had asmthma so my mom washed all the room walls in clorox. I started to turn blue(my lips) so she put me in a beach chair sitting up. And told me I dont want to pay for a ambulance we cant aford it. And the car doesent run well. My aunt busted in and drove me to the hospital the 1o minute ride. The doctor looks at my mom and tells her I only had 10 or 15 minutes to live.I think this could be a book, but maybe theres plenty of stories like that already?so what do you think?novelist will take it?
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 20 December 2010. Tags: business degrees, college degrees, college professor, Continue, debt, deep sea diver, follow the crowd, Good, helicopter, helicopter pilot school, Kids, manufacturing plant, mom and dad, student loan debt, students graduate
The supply of college degrees exceeds demand. Student loan debt is at an all time high. Students graduate 100k in debt with interest accruing – in most cases – for a degree that pays 30-40k per year if they can even get that. The cost of living is so high today these loans stay with them for life.
Nothing is taught in colleges about one of the most important things in life – making money. When the subject of entrepreneurship is taught, in most cases, it’s taught by college professor who has never started or run a business in the real world.
Trade school jobs and niche jobs are now almost totally overlooked. Why? These are the jobs with the highest demand. A helicopter pilot pays 80k per year – so why not go to helicopter pilot school? A deep sea diver pays 60k per year. Why not do that? What about a Yacht mechanic? That’s about 70k per year. Manufacturing plant inspector? The list goes on an on. These are all occupations you don’t need to shackle yourself to a lifetime of debt for.
Why follow the crowd? I don’t get it. Parents continue to parrot this outdated advise without a clue the world around them as drastically changed. Oh yes Mom and Dad. Tell your son or daughter to waste 4 years in college racking up 100k in debt to compete with 500 applicants with business degrees for a 40k per year job working for someone else – under their control – 50 hours per week and 4 months for free to pay taxes to the government?
And parents think this is security? I don’t get it.
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101