Tag Archive | "moment"

I Feel Depressed Since Starting University?

It seems like a reoccurance for all my life – not fitting in anywhere. I thought university would change things but I feel I have no niche at all. Joining societies and meeting people elsewhere is fine for most people – but with my course I spend a lot of time with my coursemates and am going to – for more than the standard 3 years. So it would make sense I find my closest friends there. But at the moment I feel so **** all the time, lonely – in a crowded room (now I really can apprciate that phrase ;(), angry (at others and myself) and bitterness.
I know I’m being judgemental about people but I KNOW I don’t fit it. There are some nice people but I can’t see myself being best friends with them because we’re SOSO different. I know people can be friends with different interests, it’s just that I have not found anyone with similar interests.
I feel depressed at the prospect of going to university for a long time – just for the degree, and not enjoying myself. I even thought of dropping the course, reverting back to my hermit lifestyle back home.
I’m just so sick of it all – all my life I feel left out, different and isolated. There’s been issues with just about every aspect of my uni life so far – I regret getting in now. No friendships developing with flatmates, coursemates.
I feel apathetic all the time and have no motivation to do anything. Before I used to study all the time – and my reward would be my high grades. I thought this would change during university – that I’d actually have friends I could party and hang around with who enjoyed my company and vice versa. I suppose I dreamed a little unrealistically. It’s so depressing that I used to think it’ll be over soon, and I’ll be out of here (school etc) with good grades, then I can find some friends… But now all this is just happening again.
University has made me shallow, insecure, and bought out some negative qualities in me – that perhaps were lurking there anyway. But mostly it’s made me feel very low, but is supposed to be one of the best times of my life.

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Where Is The Demand In I.t. At The Moment?

I’m in the UK and I’m about to start a basic IT job (1st Line Support). I was thinking of working towards being a business analyst, if all goes well. Is that realistic? Or are there other I.T. niches that I’d do better to aim for?

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Evolution Question (need Experts)?

I’m reading the beak of the finch and I just got done reading it. There’s a quote that says…
“Chimpanzees in the last day of the African rain forests are teaching their children how to crack nuts with stones. They are taking the kinds of halting,modest steps that might, if favored, if selected for many generations, carry them on a path toward something like our niche. Watching them, human observers notice striking variations in intelligence from individual to individual. Where there is genetic variation, there is room for selection and evolution. Probably in every line of primates there are a few, like Imo on her island, who could lead their kind in our direction. But at the moment of course that path is blocked. The thinking niche is taken, at least for the moment.”
I don’t understand what the few lines mean. If anyone knows, please tell me what it means esp the the thinking niche is taken…

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How To Find A Style Or Niche?

I’m curious about how people go about finding a niche or a style for their photography. I’ve heard people say that they just photograph things they’re passionate about and over time a style develops. Is that how it works for you?
For myself, I don’t think I have a style or a niche. I’m not particularly worried about developing one or the other, I’m just a hobbyist. I shoot what I want and how I want to, sure, but there isn’t really any consistency with it. I’ve never had a moment where I said to myself (for example) “I want to be an automotive photographer!” While I might photograph a variety of things (generally objects, I find working with people tedious at best) I guess I’m just not passionate enough about any one genre of ‘thing’ to make that my niche.

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How Much Can I Make For A 660000 Like Facebook Fan Page?

It has no real niche, it is just a phrase that a lot of people relate to and I have been quite inactive for a long time but am starting to improve the page at the moment. I’m not sure whether I want to sell it but I was just wandering if i wanted to, what a fair price would be for this amount of fans?

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I Don’t Know Where My Life Is Going? Advice?

I will admit that the problem I will list out here is a “first-world problem,” but hear me out please. Some advice would be really helpful.
I went to college, got my bachelors/masters (along with lots of loans that I’ve now started to pay off), and entered a good career field. I like my profession and the versatility and the fact that I can pick up and go almost anywhere with it. At the moment, I am living in the city where I went to college, but have no idea what I’m going to do for my future. I’m not sure if I want to stay here. I have zero family here, and many of the friends that I made in college moved away after graduation. I have a few friends left, or should I say, acquaintances that I sometimes hang out with. I will admit I keep an emotional distance from people and that that’s one of the reasons why I haven’t formed close friendships in this city. Basically, I have nothing really holding me here except my job and my comfort zone. After all, I’ve been here six years in total, and have a good network. But where do I go from here? As it stands, all I have going in my life is my career. My immediate family lives about 4 hours away and I visit sometimes but my step-dad and I do not get along, so I don’t visit as often as I would like. Sometiems, I just feel really alone. All my co-workers have some kind of “base” here – family, significant others, etc. If I had that, I would be more at peace and more stable. I’m at an age where I should be thinking about settling down (I’m 23), but how can I do that if I haven’t found my niche? I feel so alone sometimes. I’m not sure what to do.
Any thoughts on someone going through a “quarter-life crisis”? Not sure if that’s what I’m experiencing but I’m sure as hell at a roadblock right now with regard to where I want my life to go. Lack of family/boyfriend/close friends in my area also makes me more restless.

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