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Eastern Science Vs Western Science (why Are They Complete Opposite)?

I have an Asian girlfriend who says Quote: “The secret of health lies in preservation of this vital force (semen). And he who wastes this vital and precious energy cannot have physical, mental, moral and spiritual development.”
We have sex; but through a process called Tantric Sex she introduced me to, and It gives her multiple orgasms – without me losing my semen.
She says: semen retained in the body gives strength, luster, enhanced mental abilities and immunity to diseases, and slows the aging process. And…that western science says frequent ejaculation (male) is healthy – – only because their marketing for future sick people (prescription drug sales incentive$).
And that accepting advise from the medical field – is similar to accepting advice from a judge awaiting to sentence you.
Why do Eastern Science claim If semen is lost, all bodily and sensory functions are weakened?
And Western Science whole endeavor is based on discharging it as much as possible?
***Prescription drug incentive$.” (sick people are needed)***?

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