Posted on 12 April 2011. Tags: Affiliate, Affiliate Marketing Tips, Affiliate Marketing Tools, Answer, birth cert, defacto, globe usa, mumbai india, national constitution, new york usa, Open, Stars, suggestion board, usa constitution, wonder man
4.12. 2011 toronto canada: a wonder_man in a non wonder world : b h Obama: salutation deffered from him:
Obama defacto USpres@rebuilt birth cert won elec&CV ELECsuit pend@US@B C issue be called wonder_man@ODD US law?Obama defacto USpres@rebuilt birth cert won elec&CV ELECsuit pend@US@B C issue be called wonder_man@ODD US law?
Do u think that obama defacto USpresident,@elec cv suits pend@US v obama be called large wonder man@ODD US law?
london u k:. b h Obama without any valid evidence that he was us born, a requiement to be US pres, turned MOST to defya major wonder man in us or world history to defy national Constitution.:
ps: current page co
Text-only versionThese search terms are highlighted: obama boehner kamal karna roy
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In Richest Nation Of Globe,usa ,all 3 Wings@usa Constitution, Govt Failed Most Poor/weaker People@decades?why?
Posted on 24 March 2011. Tags: Answer, culture sports, globe usa, love, mumbai india, ndca, new york usa, Open, percent, royal wedding, smoke screen, suggestion board, support, terror tactics, usa constitution
17 minutes ago
Is Boehner using Libya as a smoke screen to hide the fact of “Where are the jobs republicans promised they?
0 Stars In Elections – Asked by mike – 4 answers – 23 minutes ago
Concert W:LOVE DEMOCRACY& LOVE Member since:
February 22, 2010
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3. 24. 2011 london u k::::
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Dr K Roy:terrorism_tool has turned into love/hate arsenal@Global jungle democracies@ruler/ruled v civlians?ok?
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Dr K Roy:terrorism_tool has turned into love/hate arsenal@Global jungle democracies@ruler/ruled v civlian?sos?
mumbai india 3 . 24. 2011: democracies @ mine fields of terror_tactics:
Rev kamal K roy/JGJ move usdc /ndCa on 3.18:congl.@10.6 mil.@UNINCORP ASSCN v US 3 WING FAIL USpoor/weakDECADE?
3.20.2011 NEW YORK,USA: WORLD NEWS :USA ALL 3 WINGS FALED POORS/WEAKER PEOPLE @ DECADES & Government Pregnancy & Parenting Science & Mathematics Social Science Society & Culture Sports Travel Yahoo! Products My Activity My Q&A My Network My Network Activity My Saved Searches Edit My Preferences About How Answers Works Points & Levels Community Guidelines Leaderboard Suggestion Board Answers Blog Ask What would you like to ask? Continue Answer Discover What are you looking for? Search Y! Answers Advanced Search Home > All Categories > News & Events > Other – News & Events > Your Open Question Your question is open for business. Earn more points by answering questions. Can you answer these? Will any US networks (cable or otherwise) be broadcasting the royal wedding 29 April? 1 Stars In Other – News & Events – Asked by X S – 1 answer – 25 minutes ago what is this?? earthquake in America? 0 Stars In Other – News & Events – Asked by crackinjacks138 – 1 answer – 32 minutes ago Are there any colledges with a norwhale for a mascot? 0 Stars In Other – News & Events – Asked by ♥♥♥Fruit’sBasketLuvr♥♥♥ – 3 answers – 33 minutes ago Biva Member since: 17 May 2010 Total points: 1 (Level 1) Your Open Question Show me another » Lisa Nroy r n NYS, m d (divinity) volunteer, internet nursing;corruption@high level decay democ.ref obama b c? Obama popularity@wane&25%@all citzn to grow+.:he be impeached@uS house rep&Senate trial.May\HE resign@b c rec_etc? London , u k: a suggestion worth obama bh to consider, as in caption 3.14. 2011 ; THESUPERCLICK ASSOCIATED PRESS Home PicturesVideosIn the NewsMore LinksEbay AuctionBookstoreQ&As ASSOCIATED PRESS Questions in Open Question: 26% of Americans want Obama impeached, and that is growing; Do you think he will be impeached? 60% of TEA Party, and nearly half of the GOP support impeaching Obama. A new poll r
1 second ago
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 24 March 2011. Tags: Answer, culture sports, globe usa, love, mumbai india, ndca, new york usa, Open, percent, royal wedding, smoke screen, suggestion board, support, terror tactics, usa constitution
17 minutes ago
Is Boehner using Libya as a smoke screen to hide the fact of “Where are the jobs republicans promised they?
0 Stars In Elections – Asked by mike – 4 answers – 23 minutes ago
Concert W:LOVE DEMOCRACY& LOVE Member since:
February 22, 2010
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3. 24. 2011 london u k::::
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Dr K Roy:terrorism_tool has turned into love/hate arsenal@Global jungle democracies@ruler/ruled v civlians?ok?
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Dr K Roy:terrorism_tool has turned into love/hate arsenal@Global jungle democracies@ruler/ruled v civlian?sos?
mumbai india 3 . 24. 2011: democracies @ mine fields of terror_tactics:
Rev kamal K roy/JGJ move usdc /ndCa on 3.18:congl.@10.6 mil.@UNINCORP ASSCN v US 3 WING FAIL USpoor/weakDECADE?
3.20.2011 NEW YORK,USA: WORLD NEWS :USA ALL 3 WINGS FALED POORS/WEAKER PEOPLE @ DECADES & Government Pregnancy & Parenting Science & Mathematics Social Science Society & Culture Sports Travel Yahoo! Products My Activity My Q&A My Network My Network Activity My Saved Searches Edit My Preferences About How Answers Works Points & Levels Community Guidelines Leaderboard Suggestion Board Answers Blog Ask What would you like to ask? Continue Answer Discover What are you looking for? Search Y! Answers Advanced Search Home > All Categories > News & Events > Other – News & Events > Your Open Question Your question is open for business. Earn more points by answering questions. Can you answer these? Will any US networks (cable or otherwise) be broadcasting the royal wedding 29 April? 1 Stars In Other – News & Events – Asked by X S – 1 answer – 25 minutes ago what is this?? earthquake in America? 0 Stars In Other – News & Events – Asked by crackinjacks138 – 1 answer – 32 minutes ago Are there any colledges with a norwhale for a mascot? 0 Stars In Other – News & Events – Asked by ♥♥♥Fruit’sBasketLuvr♥♥♥ – 3 answers – 33 minutes ago Biva Member since: 17 May 2010 Total points: 1 (Level 1) Your Open Question Show me another » Lisa Nroy r n NYS, m d (divinity) volunteer, internet nursing;corruption@high level decay democ.ref obama b c? Obama popularity@wane&25%@all citzn to grow+.:he be impeached@uS house rep&Senate trial.May\HE resign@b c rec_etc? London , u k: a suggestion worth obama bh to consider, as in caption 3.14. 2011 ; THESUPERCLICK ASSOCIATED PRESS Home PicturesVideosIn the NewsMore LinksEbay AuctionBookstoreQ&As ASSOCIATED PRESS Questions in Open Question: 26% of Americans want Obama impeached, and that is growing; Do you think he will be impeached? 60% of TEA Party, and nearly half of the GOP support impeaching Obama. A new poll reported in an unlikely source shows a broad majority of Tea Party members and roughly half of all Republicans support impeaching Barack Obama. More than 1,000 registered voters were asked, “Would you support or oppose the impeachment of President Obama?” Among those who describe themselves as TEA Party members, a full 60 percent support impeachment. An additional 16 percent are unsure. Among Republicans, 48 percent support impeachment and 22 percent are unsure. This is a Democratic poll on a Left-Wing website. Public Policy Polling, which is described as “an American Democratic Party-affiliated polling firm based in Raleigh,” conducted the survey from March 4-6. Its results appeared on the left-wing website the Daily Kos. Overall, 26 percent of Americans would like to see Obama impeached, and 14 percent are undecided. Surprisingly, 14 percent of Democrats and 13 percent of liberals favor impeaching Obama. An Associated Press-Knowledge Networks poll last October found 47 percent of Democrats “said Obama should be challenged for the 2012 nomination,” although no modern president who faced a primary challenge has been re-elected. Many Democrats on the ballot in 2012 fear an anti-Obama backlash will doom their chances, and doctrinaire left-wingers have questioned whether they would be better off with another candidate. For some reason the mainstream media, known to spin their own polls, have chosen to ignore this poll altogether. Open Question: Where/ who is this from? “We’re all walking around with these glossy eyes. ‘I’m just tired’ we say. But you know what? It’s a whole load of crap. Yes, we are tired, but it’s not from lack of sleep. We are tired of waking up with nothing to look forward too; tired of going to bed exhausted after doing a million things we find no enjoyment in doing. We’re tired of this void, this emptiness
0 seconds ago
– 4
2 seconds ago – 4 days left to answer.
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 18 March 2011. Tags: affiliate code, elhi, free synopsis, hard jungle, home privacy policy, karna, love, massachusetts democrat, mumbai india, news, President, reuters news, roy, Search, senate trial
march 18 ,2011 news usa v indian democracies::
& LOVE – 0 answers – 22 minutes ago
Concert W:LOVE DEMOCRACY& LOVE Member since:
23 February 2010
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7 (Level 1) Your Open QuestionShow me another »
Rev Kamal K roy GOP@poors of 320+mL,WE peopleMOVED uscNca/CO@enqr&violn@3WingsUSA fail CHECK&BALANCE@weaker@US?
3.18 .2011 sydney
kamal K royGOP@weaker of 320+mL,WE peopleMOVED uscNca&CO@enqr&violn@ALL3WingsUS failed CHECK&BALANCE@weakUS?
london uk; 3.18. 2011: world failing, democracy failing USA:::SOS::: to usa govt,the associated Press,Reuters news,News Corp,AFP, PTI new elhi/mumbai india, all News media world wide Concert Wood : Quoted from phrases of the rev dr kamal karna roy / J G \Jr::: Home Privacy Policy make money easily Affiliate Code Obama Popularity@downhill@fall+& Be Impeached@us House Rep& Senate Trial@no Black Issue@tricks@b C Obstruction? March 17, 2011 | By admin In Answers | Obama popul@downhill@all citzn fall+& be impeached@uS house rep&Senate trial@no black issue@trick@bc obstructions Registration Register to Vote – FloridaHome.Free Synopsis Of Jungle Democracy Of The Rev Dr Kamal Karna K Roy; Why Pay Hard Cash ? 2009 November 7 tags: “cash”, Democracy, Free, Hard, Jungle, Kamal, Karna, Synopsisby admin .read hundreds of pages of pushed materials which we shall find in web site with search words kamal karna roy jungle democracy republican hopeful candidate president , in combinations of 4/5 words: see some specimen of writings or views of kamal roy and/or comments : South Carolina, the top-ranking African-American in Congress and officially neutral, found Clinton’s tone insulting and said so publicly. When the former president called Kennedy, the Massachusetts Democrat gave Clinton an earful, telling him that he bore some blame for the injection of race into the contest. In any event, both Hillary and Obama made peace on the race issue at the Las Vegas debate. The Clinton camp now fears that Kennedy is leaning toward Obama, according to the Clinton source, though Kennedy’s office says he is making no endorsement “at this time.” Clinton aides admit the boss sometimes goes off script. Obama officials say this itself should be a campaign issue. Greg Craig, who coordinated Clinton’s impeachment defense in 1998 and is now a senior Obama adviser, argues that “recent events raise the question: if Hillary’s campaign can’t control Bill, whether Hillary’s White House could.” There is little precedent for a former president’s engaging in intra-party attacks. In 1960, Harry Truman criticized the idea of a Roman Catholic president and tried briefly to stop John F. Kennedy’s nomination. “I urge you to be patient,” he told JFK publicly. But in 2000, former president George Bush declined to attack his son’s GOP primary opponent, John McCain. Clinton is undeterred by the criticism and will likely keep hammering Obama if he thinks it helps Hillary. “History will judge the impact on the Clinton legacy, not daily or weekly political reporters,” says Matt McKenna, Bill Clinton’s press secretary. © 2008 Newsweek, Inc. Related:Bill Clinton Barack Obama Hillary Clinton Discuss Please enter up to 3000 characters. Comments: The U S American fight of leadership viz electoral competition for u s presidents nov 2008 are kind or dog_fights of DOGS of elite owners, large coterie of vested interests groups, billionaires _selected dogs , super_. super_human_gods: commoners. poors, have_nots, disadvanded groups or their selectd leaders are designed as redudan tplayers in democracy in usa and they are designed to play as some robbots in democracy of we the people in usa. we the people must wake up right now to reclaim rights leadership to common units of the
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 18 March 2011. Tags: clinton aides, clinton camp, elhi, free synopsis, hard jungle, karna, Leadership, massachusetts democrat, mumbai india, news, President, reuters news, roy, senate trial, time clinton
Open Question: Dr kamal K royGOP@weaker of 320+mL,WE peopleMOVED uscNca&CO@enqr&violn@ALL3WingsUS failed CHECK&BALANCE@weakUS?
london uk; 3.18. 2011: world failing, democracy failing USA:::SOS::: to usa govt,the associated Press,Reuters news,News Corp,AFP, PTI new elhi/mumbai india, all News media world wide Concert Wood : Quoted from phrases of the rev dr kamal karna roy / J G \Jr::: Home Privacy Policy make money easily Affiliate Code Obama Popularity@downhill@fall+& Be Impeached@us House Rep& Senate Trial@no Black Issue@tricks@b C Obstruction? March 17, 2011 | By admin In Answers | Obama popul@downhill@all citzn fall+& be impeached@uS house rep&Senate trial@no black issue@trick@bc obstructions Registration Register to Vote – FloridaHome.Free Synopsis Of Jungle Democracy Of The Rev Dr Kamal Karna K Roy; Why Pay Hard Cash ? 2009 November 7 tags: “cash”, Democracy, Free, Hard, Jungle, Kamal, Karna, Synopsisby admin .read hundreds of pages of pushed materials which we shall find in web site with search words kamal karna roy jungle democracy republican hopeful candidate president , in combinations of 4/5 words: see some specimen of writings or views of kamal roy and/or comments : South Carolina, the top-ranking African-American in Congress and officially neutral, found Clinton’s tone insulting and said so publicly. When the former president called Kennedy, the Massachusetts Democrat gave Clinton an earful, telling him that he bore some blame for the injection of race into the contest. In any event, both Hillary and Obama made peace on the race issue at the Las Vegas debate. The Clinton camp now fears that Kennedy is leaning toward Obama, according to the Clinton source, though Kennedy’s office says he is making no endorsement “at this time.” Clinton aides admit the boss sometimes goes off script. Obama officials say this itself should be a campaign issue. Greg Craig, who coordinated Clinton’s impeachment defense in 1998 and is now a senior Obama adviser, argues that “recent events raise the question: if Hillary’s campaign can’t control Bill, whether Hillary’s White House could.” There is little precedent for a former president’s engaging in intra-party attacks. In 1960, Harry Truman criticized the idea of a Roman Catholic president and tried briefly to stop John F. Kennedy’s nomination. “I urge you to be patient,” he told JFK publicly. But in 2000, former president George Bush declined to attack his son’s GOP primary opponent, John McCain. Clinton is undeterred by the criticism and will likely keep hammering Obama if he thinks it helps Hillary. “History will judge the impact on the Clinton legacy, not daily or weekly political reporters,” says Matt McKenna, Bill Clinton’s press secretary. © 2008 Newsweek, Inc. Related:Bill Clinton Barack Obama Hillary Clinton Discuss Please enter up to 3000 characters. Comments: The U S American fight of leadership viz electoral competition for u s presidents nov 2008 are kind or dog_fights of DOGS of elite owners, large coterie of vested interests groups, billionaires _selected dogs , super_. super_human_gods: commoners. poors, have_nots, disadvanded groups or their selectd leaders are designed as redudan tplayers in democracy in usa and they are designed to play as some robbots in democracy of we the people in usa. we the people must wake up right now to reclaim rights leadership to common units of the republic of usa , we the people. please refer to”federal justia docket” find court cations commenced by the reverend dr kamal karna k roy aka joseph geronimo jr , a republican u s presidential candidate 2008; now dr roy moved to atleast three u district courts in california, new jersey and at new hampshire at concord nh, usa to postpone the us presidential elctoral competitions by 350+ defendants while dr roy filed complaints pro se for self as a u s born citizen of usa for birth in Guam, u s territory in pacific, and hi is a f e c registered candidate but all defendants including usa govt, states of usa, state boards of elections f e c all neglected status of the candidate to curb his chances to be elected u s president; us media in news and giant news conglomerates viz associated press, cnn news, news corp , gannet news , new yorks times co all just ignored a patriot to take leadership in the troubled and richest democratic republic viz usa. usa may fail democracy in iraq, in pakistan et al but it shall be largest deficits in entire world of democracies ,now suffererings of dysfunctions of jungle democracy, to fail the entire century old leadership scopes of usa. see websites to check vision of kamal karna roy, a newer voice in world of democrtacies in deficits those need to be replenished to save human conditions as human_animals, rev lisa n roy, executive officer, dr kamal k k roy election committee to settle one like kamal roy as us president 2008, although efforts could be zero sum game and may be an episode off loss but kamal t
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 18 March 2011. Tags: affiliate code, candidate, elhi, free synopsis, hard jungle, home privacy policy, Jungle, karna, massachusetts democrat, mumbai india, President, reuters news, roy, senate trial, Uscnca
3.18 .2011 sydney , australia::
Concert W:LOVE DEMOCRACY& LOVE Member since:
22 February 2010
Total points:
12 (Level 1) Your Open QuestionShow me another »
Kamal K roy RebelGOP@weak of 320+mL,WE peopleMOVED uscNca/CO@enqr&violn@ALL3Wings… fail CHECK&BALANCE@weakerUS?
Open Question: Dr kamal K royGOP@weaker of 320+mL,WE peopleMOVED uscNca&CO@enqr&violn@ALL3WingsUS failed CHECK&BALANCE@weakUS?
london uk; 3.18. 2011: world failing, democracy failing USA:::SOS::: to usa govt,the associated Press,Reuters news,News Corp,AFP, PTI new elhi/mumbai india, all News media world wide Concert Wood : Quoted from phrases of the rev dr kamal karna roy / J G \Jr::: Home Privacy Policy make money easily Affiliate Code Obama Popularity@downhill@fall+& Be Impeached@us House Rep& Senate Trial@no Black Issue@tricks@b C Obstruction? March 17, 2011 | By admin In Answers | Obama popul@downhill@all citzn fall+& be impeached@uS house rep&Senate trial@no black issue@trick@bc obstructions Registration Register to Vote – FloridaHome.Free Synopsis Of Jungle Democracy Of The Rev Dr Kamal Karna K Roy; Why Pay Hard Cash ? 2009 November 7 tags: “cash”, Democracy, Free, Hard, Jungle, Kamal, Karna, Synopsisby admin .read hundreds of pages of pushed materials which we shall find in web site with search words kamal karna roy jungle democracy republican hopeful candidate president , in combinations of 4/5 words: see some specimen of writings or views of kamal roy and/or comments : South Carolina, the top-ranking African-American in Congress and officially neutral, found Clinton’s tone insulting and said so publicly. When the former president called Kennedy, the Massachusetts Democrat gave Clinton an earful, telling him that he bore some blame for the injection of race into the contest. In any event, both Hillary and Obama made peace on the race issue at the Las Vegas debate. The Clinton camp now fears that Kennedy is leaning toward Obama, according to the Clinton source, though Kennedy’s office says he is making no endorsement “at this time.” Clinton aides admit the boss sometimes goes off script. Obama officials say this itself should be a campaign issue. Greg Craig, who coordinated Clinton’s impeachment defense in 1998 and is now a senior Obama adviser, argues that “recent events raise the question: if Hillary’s campaign can’t control Bill, whether Hillary’s White House could.” There is little precedent for a former president’s engaging in intra-party attacks. In 1960, Harry Truman criticized the idea of a Roman Catholic president and tried briefly to stop John F. Kennedy’s nomination. “I urge you to be patient,” he told JFK publicly. But in 2000, former president George Bush declined to attack his son’s GOP primary opponent, John McCain. Clinton is undeterred by the criticism and will likely keep hammering Obama if he thinks it helps Hillary. “History will judge the impact on the Clinton legacy, not daily or weekly political reporters,” says Matt McKenna, Bill Clinton’s press secretary. © 2008 Newsweek, Inc. Related:Bill Clinton Barack Obama Hillary Clinton Discuss Please enter up to 3000 characters. Comments: The U S American fight of leadership viz electoral competition for u s presidents nov 2008 are kind or dog_fights of DOGS of elite owners, large coterie of vested interests groups, billionaires _selected dogs , super_. super_human_gods: commoners. poors, have_nots, disadvanded groups or their selectd leaders are designed as redudan tplayers in democracy in usa and they are designed to play as some robbots in democracy of we the people in usa. we the people must wake up right now to reclaim rights leadership to common units of the republic of usa , we the people. please refer to”federal justia docket” find court cations commenced by the reverend dr kamal karna k roy aka joseph geronimo jr , a republican u s presidential candidate 2008; now dr roy moved to atleast three u district courts in california, new jersey and at new hampshire at concord nh, usa to postpone the us presidential elctoral competitions by 350+ defendants while dr roy filed complaints pro se for self as a u s born citizen of usa for birth in Guam, u s territory in pacific, and hi is a f e c registered candidate but all defendants including usa govt, states of usa, state boards of elections f e c all neglected status of the candidate to curb his chances to be elected u s president; us media in news and giant news conglomerates viz associated press, cnn news, news corp , gannet news , new yorks times co all just ignored a patriot to take leadership in the troubled and richest democratic republic viz usa. usa may fail democracy in iraq, in pakistan et al but it shall be largest deficits in entire world of democracies ,now suffererings of dysfunctions of jungle democracy, to fail the entire century old leadership scopes of usa. see websites to check vision of kamal karna roy, a newer voice in world of democrtacies in deficits
Posted in Featured Articles