Tag Archive | "mutual funds"

How Did You Become So Rich?

It’s a serious question.
I’m doing the obvious. I went to Uni, got a professional job, I save 50 percent of my net income(£1000 per month). I am studying the stock market, specifically options, in my spare time.
But what next…? I would love to know what a person could do instead of leaving their money in a bank (low interest rates). Mutual funds are vulnerable to market downturns; I’d prefer to be an active investor. I’m unsure of how to go about it – and thought I should learn from the best – you. You, the person reading this post, who have managed to create wealth.
We all know that there are too many people putting their hands out for money – whether to their bank or to their parents. What would be better is if people could learn from intelligent people like you who know how to make money.
So, please – let us know how you did it. How did you become wealthy? How did you know which businesses or stocks to invest in? Or did you find another route?
This is far better than “the secret millionaire” – instead of giving us a fish, I’m asking you to teach Yahoo readers HOW to fish!

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