Tag Archive | "Name"

Sir, I Interest To Purchase One Small Scale Company, What Is The Process To Change Documents To My Name,?

i want to affiliated/notary any required?
how to change register number to my name, how much cost to spend my side,
COMPANY: letter heads , bill books, materials,stationary, website, Taxes details, accounts, etc all data official how to handover.
what is procedure to follow,

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Advertising Affiliate Marketing On Twitter?

Okay, so I have the concept of advertising on twitter, which was the simple part, but how do you go about getting a decent user name?
Let’s say I was advertising for Nike, I wouldn’t just have a twitter account that said @nikerunning… That already exists… So how should I go about changing the name to something that works, selling what I’m selling, and not copying Nike?
(By the way, I’m not advertising Nike, just an example).
Anything helps!

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Need A Domain Name Or Company Name?

Im starting up a affiliate website like clickbank.com or paydotcom.com i need a name any ideas.

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May I Like Scotland And Chelsea ?

I Really Like Chelsea F.C. but I am From The United States and I Don’t Particularly Care for the USA Team,
I am a Mix of Many Different Cultures However and for the Most Part I Have a Large Scotish & German-Italian Background. I Even Have a Scottish Last Name.
So,…If I Had to Pick Based on That, I Would Say I Should Like Scotland
However, Is it Ok to Like a National Team other Than Your Home Country Especially Since Your Not From Scotland #1 and Is it Ok to Like Chelsea F.C. and Scotland ?
Can I Also Like The National Teams of my other Ethnicities ?

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What’s The Name Of This Manga Please?

Theres this manga i read on ‘Mangareader’ about a girl who gets recruited by this secret stock market club at school,
and she has a good eye for picking out items that can sell for big. For instance, when a guy hid some diamonds in a picture frame in his room full of other expensive things, she ended up picking the pic frame.
Please, i forgot what this manga is called, i need help!

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Popular Songs Name After The Album?

Hey I need to find a bunch of popular-ish songs (WITH MUSIC VIDEOS) that have the same name as the album and im struggling a tad.
An example: “Born To Die” by Lana Del Ray off the album “Born to die”
Only conditions are they must have an official video and must be relatively popular-ish nothing to niche.
Doesn’t matter how old they are and the genre could be anything (Rap, Rock, Rnb, Country…. ect)
Any links or tittles you could give would be appreciated.
Cheers 😀

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