Tag Archive | "narrow niche"

What Are Some Good Folk Influenced Modern Bands?

I’ve been looking around for a while, but it’s hard to figure out exactly what genre I should be looking for, and even harder to figure out specific bands. I’m trying to find something modern sounding with a good steady beat, acoustic guitar mixed with some electric or steel guitar, drums, maybe even electronic samples thrown in there too, banjos, etc. Like hard rock with traditional and modern instruments.
It seems that it would fall under ‘folk’ music, but all I get out of looking for modern folk music is stuff like Mumford & Sons (too girly/indie for my tastes), Dropkick Murphys (amazing band, I really like their music, but not the kind I’m looking for), and modern bands that just play traditional folk. It seems to be an extremely narrow niche of music, but I’ve managed to stumble onto songs by a few bands that have the sound I’m looking for.
To post a few examples of what I mean, since it’s difficult to describe:
This is the CLOSEST thing to what I’m looking for, exactly what I want- Bastion OST, Spike In a Rail: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gQWAcgefsQQ
A couple other great songs that are pretty close to it- Cage the Elephant, Ain’t No Rest For the Wicked: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HKtsdZs9LJo&ob=av3e
Seven Mary Three, Cumbersome: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NjNn4bbbgSw&ob=av2e
Things I’m not looking for: Country (definitely my least favorite music, and I live in Arkansas so I’ve heard enough of it for sure), plain old traditional Celtic/folk, Southern rock (not the same genre)
I know I’m being really complicated about it, and sorry if I haven’t left much to go off of, but I’ve been looking and looking for whatever type of music it is and cannot figure a specific name for it anywhere. I’ve been told all kinds of different things, but none of it has led me to anything I was looking for. Hopefully I’m not being too vague.

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Ecology Crossword Help!!!?

use energy for homeostasis
living things in their environment
sequential re-growth of species
eats both meat &plants
CO2 & carbohydraytes are in this cycle
ticks, fleas, lice, lampreys…
manufacture their own food
deceptive or warning camouflage
your narrow niche makes you this
density (?) factors reduce popn due to its size
cycle that includes ammonification & fixation
tapeworm, roundworm, hookworm…
where Earth + atmosphere = life support
consumed by predator after the hunt
in commensalisms, only 1 species does this
S-curve, or growth where births = deaths
community very resistant to change
ecosystems waste recycler
total organic material in an ecosystem
dependent on tolerable environmental conditions
birth ___; death ___; mortality ___
species lifestyle &habitat determine this
species (?) suggests ecosystems health
popn size the area can support (2words)
type of exclusion that drives 1 species out
large ecosystem w/distinct characteristics
earths insulation
close interactions among species
stable end point community
density-independent (?) hurt popn regardless of size
decomposers break this down

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