Tag Archive | "netherlands"

Are There Any Waste Water Treatment Plants Using Algae In The Netherlands?

I’m writing a paper about algae biofuel becoming a realistic option for the Netherlands. Some information seems to be eluding me whether I search online or in journals. I can’t really find any information about waste treatment plants in NL using algae.. information about what they are called, where they are located, which reactor is used, anything about the cost involved , how much biofuel is/could be expected to be produced from a municipal waste water, or the products made from the biomass..biofuel or niche markets and such..
Some other questions I need help with would be;
1)would omega bags work in Zeeland or Ijsselmeer, is there enough sunlight in NL for that to be realistic?
2)How much fuel does the Netherlands use in one year?
3)If algae biofuel were to make a significant impact in Dutch fuel use (replace a certain amount of fossil fuel) how many liters would be needed?
4)How many ha would be needed in NL to fill that requirement?

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Which 3 Companies In The Us Are Offering The Best Niche Marketing Lists?

Am seeking a reasonably priced list of English-speaking prospects in the US, Canada, the UK, Netherlands, Australia, US territories, Germany, Puerto Rico and Mexico. All centered around the Health and Wellness industry(US).

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