Tag Archive | "New"

I Currently Have A Nikon D80 And I’m Looking To Get A New Camera?

I do photography on the side and need a little better camera? What should I look at? I don’t want to spend over 2000

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Is This Alright If I Put It Under Disclaimer? New?

I have youtube channel. And every of my video has the following statement in the description:
This is for educational purposes ONLY. I am NOT registered/partnered/affiliated with any of the companies/products shown in this video. Try and support the developers.
I am in no way responsible for; anything caused to your computer, you getting in trouble and/or you resulting in any of several unforeseen consequences. Do this at your own risk. Thanks.
Can I put that statement under a Disclaimer heading? And what does disclaimer mean?
I have a channel where I upload tutorials on how to ‘download’ PC games… if you catch my drift…

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Looking To Purchase Stock In Discovery Communications, Very Interested In History Channels New Shows?

I am a new trader however am very interested in new shows on the history channel such as mankind the story of all of us, as well as the men who build america. In my opinion these shows are ingenious and have a lot of potential, so with that being said my intentions are to purchase stock in whatever companies are producing these shows, or any type of affiliations, mergers, or acquisitions going on that are in one way or another affiliated with the creation of these shows. I guess what I am trying to say is that I want to invest in creating these type of shows, and more shows related to merging education and entertainment, and how can I do such a thing. Invest directly in the history channel? Which would be investing in Discovery Communications stock? Any opinions, experiences, or ideas are much appreciated. Thank you for taking the time to read through this, will rate best answer!

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What Do You Make Of Walmart Bribing Local Mexican Officials To Open New Stores?

This is illegal under U.S. law. Are corporations, like Walmart, too big to exist?
See http://finance.yahoo.com/news/wal-mart-a…

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I Don’t Know What I Should Do To Make New Friends?

I graduated from college in a small town about a year ago. I landed a good job in the same town as the college, so I still hang out with a lot of my college friends and they come to my house and spend time. A lot of people would consider me pretty popular for being a graduate. Lately, however, it feels like I’ve not been in contact with my friends as often and they have been entering other social circles and we’ve grown someone apart.
It’s hard to make new friends outside of the college here because my town doesn’t have a lot of people my age in it.
An easy solution that I have considered, one that will gain me new friends and renew my relationship with my older friends, is to jump back into the college social life and start making plans with people/attending social events/trying to meet new people at the college. But to me, this just feels weird, and makes me feel like people would consider me weird since I don’t attend classes there any longer, and I don’t want to feel like the person ‘who can’t let his college years go’ even through I graduated there last year.
But this seems like the only option, as our small town is rural, there aren’t a lot of people my age around, and there are no real community events or chances to meet people my age who aren’t affiliated with the college.
Should I go back into the social life?

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Cable Network Idea (a New Original Channel)?

My professor assigned us this thing where we have to come up with an idea for a new channel. here are the details…
“Most cable networks do not attempt to reach a mass audience as the traditional broadcast networks do. The cable networks are content to attract only segments of the population who seek specialized or niche programming. Rock music fans have their networks; country music fans have theirs; travelers have theirs; and movie buffs have TNT, AMC, Encore and many others. On many receivers, you have channels for business, cartoons, comedy, cowboy movies, documentaries, nature shows, sci-fi, etc., etc.
Your assignment is to develop a new cable network that will launch nationwide starting in July 2013. IMPORTANT: Your network should NOT offer programming seen on existing networks. Originate your own lineup of shows. Minimum: 3 daytime shows. 3 primetime shows. You don’t have to talk about plotlines and provide character development in describing these shows. Concern yourself with themes or types of programming. Give us titles. You may NOT steal programming, including reruns, from any existing network.
Prepare a 5- to 10-slide PowerPoint presentation of the proposed network. Who is the target audience for this program? A key element of this conceptualization is to identify the network’s TARGET AUDIENCE and potential advertisers for its programming. Get to the point. Highlight only the most interesting aspects of the new network. Entertain us.”
So, I had some ideas…. BUT THERE ALREADY ON AIR! everything i think of is taken. For instance a LGBT channel, a horror channel, a art shopping channel… ect. Thing is that i have never had cable or dish tv, so i have basically no clue of what is already on.
So, any ideas?

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