Posted on 18 June 2012. Tags: 25k, ad agency, department, firm, New, new job, niche, Onto, pr firm, Raise
I’ve been working for an ad agency for a year and a half. Recently I was offered a $25k raise to be a Director of a department at a small, niche PR firm in the same city. I love the people where I am at, am still learning a lot and am only 25 years old. Would it still be wise to take the new role on? Or stay put, learn more and wait for something bigger later?
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 11 January 2012. Tags: alot, boss, bossy, coworker, coworkers, gentleman, hanging up the phone, line, nerves, new job, niche, phone, temper, Work
At first I said nothing because I was still in training even though I have had 4 years experience in the line of work, now the women are starting to knit pick on alot of stuff and even 1 gentleman has started to do the same. I have been polite and bit my tongue alot. My boss did make a comment that he knows the females there can be a little bossy at times and that I just need to find my niche`. Today one other female called me over the phone to let me know that there was someone sitting in an unauthorized area. (I work Security). I did see the person but they had been in no danger or threat but I asked him to move anyway.Then I get done hanging up the phone and she calls back to remind me to return keys before I left. ( I was filling in for someone else at their locked office) I told her I would not forget and she asked me what exit I was using and I told her and she said I was not permitted to use it because it was under construction, I told her the boss had left me in the same door so I was leaving out of it. She said to watch that no other employees saw me. I told I was not dingy and I would keep an eye out. She made sure I knew she didn’t want to be accused of calling me dingy. I left for my other location a few minutes early because I swore I was going to lose my temper! I mentioned my situation to another coworker who actually trained me and he said those people need to mind their own work and not go after me. He told me to report it to the boss. I figure I should just put up with it a few more weeks and establish myself and if they don’t get the hint then…go to the boss and then complain. Any ideas of how I should go about establishing myself and what to say to these people so they will leave me alone so I can do my work?
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 05 November 2011. Tags: becuase, call, europe, long time, market leader, new job, niche, noon, phone, possibilities, Work
I recently contacted an ex of mine due to some possibilities of collaborating for my new job. I email from work during work hours becuase I wanted to keep it professional. I then get a missed call from him Saturday at noon where he says he wants me to call and explain more.
Today we managed, after several days, to talk on the phone for 10 minutes. During that time he asks me if I enjoy my new job? I said “I’m not sure yet because it is superstressful”. And he goes “well, that’s very typical of you… taking a long time to decide” (refering obviously to me taking too long to decide whether I wanted to stay with him earlier).
I thought it was quite a rude comment. He also asks whether the company is really going well (we’re market leader and Europe’s biggest in our niche). Him and me had talked before about getting a dog and he says “I’ve gotten a dog now”.
Every time I talk to him it feels like he’s trying to hurt me on purpose and he seems really keen on telling me that he’s now doing all the stuff that we used to talk about, but on his own. And every time he has to tell me that he’s been working out that day. Honestly, what do I care??
It was actually him ending our story because he didn’t like that I told him about a collegaue of mine hitting on me. Why is he doing this when it was HIM breaking up? I so don’t get it…
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 05 November 2011. Tags: becuase, call, europe, long time, market leader, new job, niche, noon, phone, possibilities, Work
I recently contacted an ex of mine due to some possibilities of collaborating for my new job. I email from work during work hours becuase I wanted to keep it professional. I then get a missed call from him Saturday at noon where he says he wants me to call and explain more.
Today we managed, after several days, to talk on the phone for 10 minutes. During that time he asks me if I enjoy my new job? I said “I’m not sure yet because it is superstressful”. And he goes “well, that’s very typical of you… taking a long time to decide” (refering obviously to me taking too long to decide whether I wanted to stay with him earlier).
I thought it was quite a rude comment. He also asks whether the company is really going well (we’re market leader and Europe’s biggest in our niche). Him and me had talked before about getting a dog and he says “I’ve gotten a dog now”.
Every time I talk to him it feels like he’s trying to hurt me on purpose and he seems really keen on telling me that he’s now doing all the stuff that we used to talk about, but on his own. And every time he has to tell me that he’s been working out that day. Honestly, what do I care??
It was actually him ending our story because he didn’t like that I told him about a collegaue of mine hitting on me. Why is he doing this when it was HIM breaking up? I so don’t get it…
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 21 September 2011. Tags: 8 years, asst manager, bad customer service, crew members, customer service skills, few suggestions, front, last job, Mistake, new job, person, positive energy, store, store thanks, yesterday
I just recently got a new job and I’ve only been working for 4 days now yesterday was the opening of the store. We had 3 days of training so the person that was doing the training wasn’t equip to train anyone so I took what I good from what she had to offer but now every time I make a mistake she screams at me loudly but if anyone else makes a mistake she politely explains to them what they did wrong and how to fix it.
I came from another store not affiliated with the store I’m now working but my last job I was the Asst. Manager I put all of this on my resume before they hired me and I was on my last job for 8 years.
I’m not coming to the store to take over I never even worked in a place like this before I just want to learn. I just want to be successful at what I do but this lady is trying to make it hard for me.
She have really bad customer service skills her training sucks I even had to give her a few suggestions and she use them but every time I do something it’s a big WRONG WRONG WRONG in front of customers, in front of crew members.
Please can someone tell me why is she doing this, how can I resolve this without losing my job, and sent me some positive energy to ease the tension in the store.
Thanks & Be Blessed
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 04 May 2011. Tags: Advertising, awards programs, business, concept, marketing company, marketing strategies, mobile marketing, new job, panama city, sales consultant, service thanks, sms promotions, text, time release, Today
I just started a new job with a mobile marketing company. I applied because I’m excited to be a part of some that is becoming so big in today’s advertising market. In case you don’t know what I’m talking about, you’ve seen it, I’m sure. Potential customers text a code, to a short number, and are subscribed to that companie’s sms promotions, etc. It’s the same system used if you were to “vote” on american idol, awards programs, etc.
I am the ONLY sales consultant for this company in my area (Panama City, FL) so I feel the potential is good. And although the company provides my training, I’m curious as to what real people think about this concept.
If you are or were a business owner, would you be interesed in this to promote your business (ie. secret sales, bogo events, community events, 10% off coupons, etc)
How would you like to be approached about this concept?
What would you expect to pay? Does $999 per year sound enticing? There are never any other fees associated and everyone gets multiple features to use (time-release, mass broadcast, add pictures, etc)
What would you expect to hear from a sales agent that would make you purchase this service?
Thanks in advance to anyone who answers!
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101