Tag Archive | "niche website"

How To Use Primary, Secondary And Long Tail Keywords On A Webpage?

Hello guys, i want to create a niche website. I donโ€™t know how to use my PRIMARY, SECONDARY and LONG TAIL keywords in:
-other important places i need to put on keywords and how to put them.
And what are header tags and meta tag and how to use these keywords in them?
Please guys help me out, i am stuck ๐Ÿ™
Please let me know asap
Thank you ๐Ÿ™‚

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What Is The Best Plan For Google Adsense?

I want to create a niche website for google adsense, please tell me the best plan for it.
When i say โ€˜planโ€™ i mean:
-what seo practices?
-Should i use a static website or a cms one?
-How to place ads for best results?
-Can adsense and affiliate marketing work together?
-And what things can harm my site?
-and all the other brief information in need to know?
Please guys i am stuck here ๐Ÿ™
Will be very thankful for the help. ๐Ÿ™‚

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Is 50 Dollars Good Present To Give To Son?

He is 13 gets good grades but he wants a 100 he said heโ€™ll spend it on cloths and start a niche website but I want to give him 50 what do you think

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Does .com Domain Have More Priorrity Than .in Domains?

I am looking to set up a niche website. I mean a technical website.
So how about the search rankings . Do .com domain have better rankings in Google than.in
I wanna know because the domain I am looking for is unavailable in .com

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From Where I Get Backlink For My New Niche Website?

From social media sites, Facebook, twitter, etc, and Youtube. Besides this sites, look for some good sites where your links have sense to be there.

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What Is The Time Taken To Create A Niche Website?

15 days and 8 hours daily if you are an expert.

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