Posted on 31 March 2011. Tags: ancestry, change, Crossword, development, dispersal, goosebumps, human appendix, limb buds, Niches, permanent change, population numbers, steady pace, structure, symbiotic relationship, unrelated species
7. study of the development of organisms that shows common ancestry, such as limb buds on a snake (10 letters)
14. type of evolution that involves a symbiotic relationship involving two unrelated species that depend on one another (11 letters)
16. structure similar characteristics due to common ancestry, such as bones in the limbs of tetrapods (10 letters)
19. structures that no longer have a function but are reduced forms, such as human appendix (9 letters)
20. type of evolution when two distantly related species develop similar characteristics, often because they have similar niches (10 letters)
21. theory that evolution occurs at a slow and steady pace (10 words)
2. the process by which isolated populations of the same populations develop different characteristics (10 letters)
3. goosebumps are an example of this type of adaption (13 letters)
5. process by which those characteristics that permit survival and reproduction are continued and eventually replace less advantageous characteristics. ( 16 letters)
6. population numbers become very low then rebound, resulting in a change in allelic frequency. ( 10 letters)
9. process of dispersal, adaption, and subsequent speciation (17 letters).
15. random and permanent change in the DNA of an organism (8 letters)
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 28 March 2011. Tags: Advantage, advantage and disadvantage, blog, Good, logo, niche, Niches, thinking
What would be the advantage and disadvantage? I’m thinking of going for a blog with two niches for branding my business and to decrease competition. What your opinions? Thank you.
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 21 March 2011. Tags: Bots, Niches, Online, Profit, Spam, wording
usually spam bots are geared towards niches like making a profit online… oh those words will get the usual spam bots marching in but have you noticed that many questions get spam bots regardless of wording.
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 20 March 2011. Tags: anyone, Collectibles, global stats, Industry, information, market, Niches, Usa
Also looking for global stats, and as recent as possible. Information about niches within the larger industry also welcome.
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 19 March 2011. Tags: body, com, niche websites, Niches, tddoan, Want, Yahoo email him trust me his do for me and good price too
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 17 March 2011. Tags: com, customer satisfaction guarantee, hobby, Homepage, money, Niches, readin, SEO, traffic, Website, website business, www
I would like to know what other people are using to get more visitors to their website i tryed learning some SEO and readin guides but i couldnt really get it to work.
I start my pages to make money from them but i also have some in niches im interested in and thoose becomes a hobby.
On the money making sites i want as much traffic as possible as fast as possible so i buy it it saves me so much time that i can spend on what ever i want. I also dont have to bother about getting ripped of since they have 100% Customer satisfaction GUARANTEE or your money back.
Whats your tactics and how do you get people to your website / business
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101