Tag Archive | "Obvious"

Why Did Bin Laden Make Himself So Obvious?

He wasn’t exactly hiding anywhere secretive…it was right next to a Pakistan military base, as you probably know. We’ll question the validity of the Pakistan government claimed ignorance about Osama’s hiding later, but right now, my question is…why do you think he hid somewhere that would be so accessible by people, instead of a secretive place? Even if the Pakistani military was theoretically helping him, they could have done that in a more secretive, secure place. This compound was apparently not that well guarded and fairly easy to get into. Bin Laden was the leader of the most known terrorist organization in the world, and he was hiding in this place… It’s one thing for people to take a long time to find him, but it’s another for him (and his affiliates) to believe that this compound could sustain them for very long. It sustained them for about 5-7 years, sources say.
Obviously Bin Laden and the rest of Al Qaeda were not stupid…they were evil geniuses. So there must have been an imperative reason for his hiding in such a place. The question is: why?

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Why Does Yahoo Allow Obvious Scams To Be Posted As Ads On Ya?

Every time I see an ad on YA, it’s for a product that’s well-known to be a scam: penny stocks, acai berry, “miracle” muscle-growth supplements. For example, I see the “John Bell wants to share his secrets on hacking the stock market” ad every single day, yet a cursory search online will show it’s a complete scam and impossible to implement.
Is Yahoo not responsible for the ads on here? Are they being handled by some third party?

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