Tag Archive | "oceans"

I Have Some Questions About Plants? 10 Points!?

explain how plants evolved from ocean algae type creatures to organismsthat can now occupy virtually every inhabitable niche there is on dry land.
Keeping in mind the three factors that land plants had to over come to live on the land vs their counter parts the plants in the oceans had handed to them by living in sea water.
Be sure to cover the three factors plants had to overcome to live on land in your answer and what characteristics plants had to develop in order to live on the land without the aid of ocean water.

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The Cenozoic Era Is Sometimes Referred To As The “age Of Mammals”. When Did The First Mammals Appear?

b.) What was the critical evolutionary event which led to the tremendous diversity of grazing animals?
c.) What can be said regarding the spread of mammals into various niches of life [air, fresh water, oceans, land]?

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