Posted on 11 June 2013. Tags: Between, difference, Option, stock, What
I am about to open up a stock market account with TradeKing but I have no idea about investing. I was looking at the rates of trading and it said that its was $4.95 per trade and $4.95 plus .65 for a stock option contract. What is a stock option? And how is it different from a regular stock. I tried to look up the definition but all the answers are so complicated. Can someone in plain english please explain. Thank you so much!
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 04 December 2012. Tags: money, Option, Paypal, way, Withdraw
In my country there is no option to withdraw money from Paypal. I can spend money only. How can I withdraw money from Paypal ? Is there any way?
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 03 November 2012. Tags: adult advice, Appreciated., apprentice, bff, dorms, friends family, Home, issue, local college, mature adults, mess, Option, pastors, summer break, sunday afternoon
So here goes, my mess be patient please! 
19 going on 20 my boyfriend of over a year wants to get married next year, The issue is we live 4 hours apart. I am away at school for nursing and he is an apprentice for a mechanic. We have known eachother since we where 15 our friends, family, and pastors are all behind us in getting married. Things just aren’t working though. I go home every 2 weeks for the weekend to see him and friends and family, but then I have to drive back to school on Sunday afternoon which is 4 hours away from his house (3 from our hometown) He really wants me to come back to town and go to our towns local college for their nursing program, but the school they are affiliated with is not a well known or a recognizable school. Option 2. The same school as the one in my town is located 1.5 hours away from my home town and affiliated with a recongizable school however this kinda impedes on his marriage idea because he wants to get married once I start my “summer break” in may or the first weekish of june. It;s really hard for him to see me and for us to cordinate everything Option 3. My best friends is going to the most recognized school in my province and I could go with her and room with her ( better than living in dorms) but still 3/4 hours away. Option 4. If I go to the school with my bff, then I can transfer the next semester to where my boyfriend will be doing trade school and we could be together (married some how because he wants to be married this spring remember) he would just have to be willing to move up towards my area for work.
See this is a mess, I would really appreciate some opinions that might work from adults. Mature adults I don’t want comments from people being tool’s about the situation.
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 24 June 2012. Tags: Campus, dual degrees, Electrical, engineering universities, Google, honors business administration, microsoft bill gates, Option, perimeter institute, Physics, quantum computing, quantum cryptography, undergraduate, university of waterloo, university of western ontario
Hello, I’m looking to do my undergraduate degree in EE and I was wondering what university would you recommend. Here are my two options (both Canadian Universities)
Option One: University of Western Ontario (UWO)
– a more diverse, social (party-type) university , might have more clubs
-Tons of options. General First year of engineering, several specializations
(i.e, embedded systems, power systems, wireless communications)
They also allow you to:
a) get dual degrees in EE & Comp Sci or Physics or Bio or Economics, Honors Business Administration in 5 years
b) Bachelors of Engineering plus a Juris Doctor (JD) in 6 years (competitive)
c)Bachelors of Engineering with a doctor of medicine (MD) in 7 years (highly competitive)
d) Bachelors of Engineering plus a Masters of Engineering in 5 years.
-Co-op is available, not as many placements as the following university
-Campus is more attractive
Option Two: University of Waterloo
-Not as diverse (mostly Chinese and Indian students) who do not party as much. Much more focused on academics (which isn’t a bad thing, but i’d probably not be near the top of the class)
-One of the best engineering universities in the world. Affiliated with the likes of Research in Motion,(This university is the birthplace of Blackberries) , Microsoft (Bill Gates did a speech there), IBM, Apple, Google & the Perimeter Institute of Physics where Stephen Hawking has presented many times.
-Tons of research in emerging areas like Quantum Computing & Quantum cryptography
– Specialization in EE (like embedded systems) is possible, not to sure of dual degrees however.
-Largest Co-op program in Canada. Once you get acceptance, you are guaranteed CO-OP placements. It takes 5 years to get your degree but they claim that students make $50,000-$80,000 over their co-op terms and that would be great in order to pay for tuition and residence.
-Campus is not as attractive
As you can see, both universities sound great. I will apply for both and hopefully I could get some advice from you guys. Thanks so much!
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 12 September 2011. Tags: amazon associates, card option, certificate card, Credit, Deposit, deposit option, direct deposit, email, gift, gift certificate, Option
Can any more-experienced Amazon associates/affiliates clarify this for me? I hear they send you an email. I’m considering this or the direct deposit option as they both don’t charge for processing.
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 13 July 2011. Tags: career officer, combat engineer, hometown, Honor, Marine, marine option, marines, marquette, mechanical engineering, midshipmen, milwaukee school, nuclear power school, Option, scholarship, twelve years
I was awarded the four year scholarship, and will be attending Milwaukee School Of Engineering crosstown affiliate of Marquette. My major will be Mechanical Engineering. When will be the last opportunity for me to go Marine Option. Honestly I’m considering marine option because while all members of the military are cherished, Marines in my hometown are treated with a completely different honor. The most important thing after serving my country, is having a career in the private sector. I don’t plan to be a career officer, I want to start civilian life maybe ten to twelve years after commissioning in my early 30’s, so i can start my family. Should I stay as a midshipmen and hopefully go off to Nuclear Power School, or choose Marine Option and pursue combat engineer.
Posted in Featured Articles