Posted on 03 June 2013. Tags: Diversified, ecosystem, Have, impact, organisms, Species, Were, What, Widely, Would
If an individual species in itself were widely diversified and a bunch of those species had this diversity, then it would be harder for the ecosystem to fall because diversity brings a higher chance for survival because natural selection can occur more readily since there are variations among the individuals in the species to select against the ones whose traits are less conducive to survival (being able to reproduce). So, extinction would occur less often in the ecosystem and all of the niches would be filled up.
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 08 May 2013. Tags: Compete, competition, Graph—in, organisms, Ranges, They, This, What, Which
First off, if you are wondering why its in a box the graph(if someone ask why the graph is in a box), the directions read as follows:
Construct a graph demonstrating (a) the fundamental niche (the temperature and pH range in which the cells can grow) and (b) the optimum niche of each microbe with respect to temperature and pH.
The fundamental niche will be shown as a box on your graph – the height of box covers the whole pH range of the microbe’s growth, and the width covers the whole temperature range.
Your complete graph will have four boxes, one for each microbe.
The optimum niche for each microbe will be a point on the graph.
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 07 October 2012. Tags: biology homework, Homework, niche, organism, organisms, penguin, service, set
Okay so im learning about niche right now. And i have to answer these questions. I can research any organism, my teacher gave me a set of questions.
And i don’t understand 1 of them.
I am researching a penguin.
“What service does it provide for other organisms nearby?”
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 03 October 2012. Tags: biology, Community, decline, due tomorrow, endangered animal, endangered species, everything, niche, organisms, paragraph, Plant, population, Tomorrow
I have to right this paragraph in biology about how if an endangered species became extinct, then how would it affect the rest of the organisms. I also need to use the words niche, population, and community in the paragraph. My endangered animal is a plant, so wouldn’t everything decline? I still don’t know how I’m going to fit niche in there. Any help will be appreciated considering that this due tomorrow, thanks.
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 29 September 2012. Tags: Apply, Cant, niche, organisms, using the word, Word
Are you sure you are using the word “niche” properly here?
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 13 September 2012. Tags: disturbance, niche, Occurs, organisms, primary succession, relationship, succession, symbiotic relationship
A.) participating in a herbivorous relationship
B.) forming a symbiotic relationship
C.) attempting to occupy the same niche.
D.) initiating primary succession after a disturbance.
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101