Tag Archive | "parking"

Legal For Car To Be Towed From Parking Garage?

So me and my friends we’re longboarding down some companies parking garage pretty late tonight(Saturday) and we parked his car right outside the garage but not in the garage. Now I know longboarding garages is illegal and all trespassing and all that but that’s beside the point. So we’re going down and here sirens and run and hide in the stairwell. Long story short we see police lights off in the distance by our car and sneak out of the garage then my friend, the owner of the car, walks over to it alone without any longboarding gear trying to pretend like he wasn’t affiliated with us. After he gets away and picks us up, he says the security guard of the garage was about to tow his car because he saw one longboard in the back. So pretty much all I’m asking is is it legall for him to tow a car he suspected was affiliated with us simply because there is a longboard in the back? I thought maybe he was just trying to scare us but I have no idea if he has juristiction to do that or not

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Harddrive Stalls Randomly?

My acer laptop computer, with a WD Caviar Blue harddrive is stalling randomly for no reason.
Whiler windows is doing it’s “per-second-hdd-short-access” thing, the harddrive kept on parking and unparking it’s head and at times its parking took more than 2 seconds and windows hangs (i mean mouse cant even move) and resumes after that. And while im typing this, it stalls again and is very annoying.
Should I worry about the harrdrive failing? The harrdrive doesn’t seem to be failing at all, SMART data says ok to everything, and not a click-of-death was heard, except for the stupid parking and unparking mechanism.

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Is This A Realistic Timetable For Harold Camping’s Followers May 21 2011?

Let’s start at 5:00pm, an hour before the 2nd Coming of Christ and the Judgment of All Mankind is scheduled to occur, according to his brilliant numerology:
5:00pm = Everyone gets into their Sunday Best and goes to Chur- um…I mean, random parking lots and community centers all over the world to dance around singing “Hallelujah.Hallelujah.”
5:30pm = Last meal before the Rapture, funds are kind of tight so everyone will have to settle for Franks and Beans in the western hemisphere and just beans everywhere else. “Close your eyes and imagine it’s a juicy Thanksgiving Turkey, like the Israelites ate of the Mannah!” Camping will say.
5:59pm : Arms raised, hands joined with white knuckles, lots of crying and speaking in tongues…aaaaaaaaannnndddd…
6:05pm: ….arms getting tired… lots of people sneaking peeks at their wristwatches and pre paid cell phones …
6:20pm : Someone turns on the radio and flips through stations, listening for emergency reports of massive natural disasters….. nothing….. nothing… BBC football.. nothing… weather reports… top 40…nothing….
7:00pm : Evening News van crew outside the parking lot has went from snickering to belly laughing at the crowd , who is now milling around and thinning out.
8:50pm: Word is out that Harold Camping has been found dead in his broadcasting booth, dead from self inflicted gunshot wound into the brainstem. Around him are shredded pages of his personal bible , and scrawled on the glass of the booth in cupcake frosting are the words “DAMMIT I WAS SO SURE THIS TIME.”
10:00pm Camping’s family announces that an empty pile of clothes were found in Camping’s booth, and that they were closing the radio ministry and changing it to a Top 40 station affiliate, in order to pay off massive debts Camping accumulated these last few months.
12:00 AM 5/22/2011 : News reports start trickling in around the world of mass suicides of Campings followers, mostly overseas.
10AM 5/22/2011: Churches around the world have Sunday Service as usual, throwing in a quick word about “It does indeed say in the bible in several places that nobody knows when the end will come, just look at THAT idiot…” and life goes on.
The End.
What do you think?

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Is This A Realistic Timetable For Harold Camping’s Followers May 21 2011?

Let’s start at 5:00pm, an hour before the 2nd Coming of Christ and the Judgment of All Mankind is scheduled to occur, according to his brilliant numerology:
5:00pm = Everyone gets into their Sunday Best and goes to Chur- um…I mean, random parking lots and community centers all over the world to dance around singing “Hallelujah.Hallelujah.”
5:30pm = Last meal before the Rapture, funds are kind of tight so everyone will have to settle for Franks and Beans in the western hemisphere and just beans everywhere else. “Close your eyes and imagine it’s a juicy Thanksgiving Turkey, like the Israelites ate of the Mannah!” Camping will say.
5:59pm : Arms raised, hands joined with white knuckles, lots of crying and speaking in tongues…aaaaaaaaannnndddd…
6:05pm: ….arms getting tired… lots of people sneaking peeks at their wristwatches and pre paid cell phones …
6:20pm : Someone turns on the radio and flips through stations, listening for emergency reports of massive natural disasters….. nothing….. nothing… BBC football.. nothing… weather reports… top 40…nothing….
7:00pm : Evening News van crew outside the parking lot has went from snickering to belly laughing at the crowd , who is now milling around and thinning out.
8:50pm: Word is out that Harold Camping has been found dead in his broadcasting booth, dead from self inflicted gunshot wound into the brainstem. Around him are shredded pages of his personal bible , and scrawled on the glass of the booth in cupcake frosting are the words “DAMMIT I WAS SO SURE THIS TIME.”
10:00pm Camping’s family announces that an empty pile of clothes were found in Camping’s booth, and that they were closing the radio ministry and changing it to a Top 40 station affiliate, in order to pay off massive debts Camping accumulated these last few months.
12:00 AM 5/22/2011 : News reports start trickling in around the world of mass suicides of Campings followers, mostly overseas.
10AM 5/22/2011: Churches around the world have Sunday Service as usual, throwing in a quick word about “It does indeed say in the bible in several places that nobody knows when the end will come, just look at THAT idiot…” and life goes on.
The End.
What do you think?

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Message Readability: Rewrite The Following Paragraph To Vary The Length Of The Sentences And To Shorten..?

the paragraph so it looks more inviting to the readers: Although major league baseball remains popular, more people are attending minor leagues baseball games because they can spend less on admission, snacks, and parking and still enjoy the excitement of America’s pastime. Connecticut, for example, has three AA minor league teams, including New Haven Ravens, who are affiliated with the St. Louis Cardnals; the Norwich Navigators, who are affiliated with the New York Yankees; and the New Britian Rock Cats, who are affiliated with the Minnesota Twins/ These teams play in relatively small stadiums, so fans are close enough to see and hear everything, form the swing of the bat connecting with the ball to the thud of the ball landing in the outfielder’s glove. Best of all, the cost of the family outing to see the rising stars play in local minor league game is just a fraction of what the family would spend to attend major league game in much larger, more crowded stadium.

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Laz Parking Ticket For Railroad Station?

What happens if you don’t pay a parking ticket? Are they anyway affiliated with the police? I’m never going to park there again so should I just not pay it?

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