Posted on 03 November 2012. Tags: adult advice, Appreciated., apprentice, bff, dorms, friends family, Home, issue, local college, mature adults, mess, Option, pastors, summer break, sunday afternoon
So here goes, my mess be patient please! 
19 going on 20 my boyfriend of over a year wants to get married next year, The issue is we live 4 hours apart. I am away at school for nursing and he is an apprentice for a mechanic. We have known eachother since we where 15 our friends, family, and pastors are all behind us in getting married. Things just aren’t working though. I go home every 2 weeks for the weekend to see him and friends and family, but then I have to drive back to school on Sunday afternoon which is 4 hours away from his house (3 from our hometown) He really wants me to come back to town and go to our towns local college for their nursing program, but the school they are affiliated with is not a well known or a recognizable school. Option 2. The same school as the one in my town is located 1.5 hours away from my home town and affiliated with a recongizable school however this kinda impedes on his marriage idea because he wants to get married once I start my “summer break” in may or the first weekish of june. It;s really hard for him to see me and for us to cordinate everything Option 3. My best friends is going to the most recognized school in my province and I could go with her and room with her ( better than living in dorms) but still 3/4 hours away. Option 4. If I go to the school with my bff, then I can transfer the next semester to where my boyfriend will be doing trade school and we could be together (married some how because he wants to be married this spring remember) he would just have to be willing to move up towards my area for work.
See this is a mess, I would really appreciate some opinions that might work from adults. Mature adults I don’t want comments from people being tool’s about the situation.
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 20 February 2012. Tags: Anybody, auctioneers, baptists, christian denomination, church, facial hair, Missionary, Number, pastors, pixie haircut, private school, sermon, slutty, tank tops, tears of joy
this is stuff my old private school run by a church (with the pastor as principle too) did. they said they were Missionary Baptists, but i live where there are a LOT of Baptists, and i’ve never heard of any of them being like this. i was only there for 2 years but this is what i know-
once you’re saved, you’re saved forever.
pre-planned prayers are staged and not as accepted as emotional bursts.
they don’t speak in tongues, but the success of a sermon is measured in the number of people screaming and crying, basically. it’s supposed to be tears of joy. if many people are doing that and you don’t, they don’t believe you’re saved.
their sermons have lots of running around and screaming. they usually sound like angry auctioneers.
for men-
you can’t have facial hair.
you can’t wear shorts.
no pastors can wear short sleeves, and it’s pretty understood that most adults don’t.
i’m pretty sure you can’t wear sandals.
your hair can’t be longer than about 3 inches.
for women-
you can’t wear pants or skirts above your knee. anything above mid-shin is iffy.
you can’t wear tank tops or any even kinda low-ish necklines.
you can’t wear much makeup.
you can cut your hair, but anything above your shoulders will at Least get you gossiped abuot. you can’t have a pixie haircut.
you can’t have more piercings than double piercings on your ears.
if you look too feminine they think that’s slutty or something, but if you look too bland they think that’s masculine. they’re picky with that.
none of these are just school rules or anything, it’s just for everybody in the church and a few churches they’re affiliated with. is that really still Baptist?
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