Tag Archive | "Patent"

I Mocked Up A Product In 3d, Now Can I Patent This?

It’s a software/hardware device that plugs into a computer. Can’t get my head around which comes first, Copyright, Provisional Patent, and then Trademark’ing the name of the product.

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Hindus Get Patent On Anti-cancer Drug Extracted From Distilled Cow Urine?

The Hindu Medicine Veda, known as Ayurveda says Cow Urine can cure cancer, and now after 5000 years, the Ayurveda is proved right with scientific research.
An anti-cancer drug extracted from cow urine and developed by an affiliate of the RSS has got a third US patent and Chinese patent for its anti-genotoxicity properties. http://www.indianexpress.com/story-print…
What implications such scientific proofs of Hindu Scriptures would bring in our society in the decades to come?

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Need Help With Patent?

I have a produce that I would like to get on market. I need a patent. If a can not get the patent I want I am going to keep my idea a trade secret. Is there a life time patent? Money talks and for this money is not a problem to pay. So is there a life time patent I can get to protect my product for life. If so what is it called.

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