Tag Archive | "paul ricca"

Why Do I Have This Weird Fascination With The Mafia?

I’m not a violent or angry person *in the slightest*, I cry when I see homeless people or stray /abused animals, I’ve never hurt anyone in my life, I have a huge capacity for love, I’m really smart, and I pride myself on making good decisions and resisting peer pressure. I’ve never been bullied or molested, I’m not lonely at all, I have a good relationship with my parents, etc…. but, for some reason, I have this really weird fascination with the Mafia. I think all the old time gangsters (young John Dillinger, Vincent Drucci, Frankie Yale, Paul Ricca, Jack McGurn, Irving Shapira, etc) even cinematic portrayals of mob members (Al Pacino’s Michael Corleone in Godfather) are super-duper attractive. I can spend hours researching their crimes, how long they were in prison, what gang they were affiliated with, etc, when I could be doing my calculus homework or hanging out with friends. Why the heck do I have this unhealthy obsession? Why am I SO fascinated with something thats pretty much repellent to a lot of people?

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