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Please Help Me With This Science Essay (extinct Animal)!!?

And I quote the essential portions of the assignment paper: ‘…You are to look up characteristics and the history surrounding the animal (extinct) and write a 3-page memorial/obituary. You are to tell the story of the animal’s life. Make the story entertaining, well-written’….’Include all relevant, scientific information you can find, but keep personal commentary to the barest minimum.’
Then it says ‘be sure to include and FULLY EXPLAIN the following in your ESSAY:
1. Scientific name and complete taxonomic classification.
2. Animal characteristics
3. Optimal habitat and geographic distribution
4. Niche relationship to its environment….’
HOW IN THE WORLD do I incorporate scientific information (Like the Scientific name and taxonomic classification?!! HELLO?!!) into an obituary-style essay?! Please, please help me. I can’t ask my teacher because he is gone until the due date. Does anyone have any ideas?

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