Posted on 22 December 2012. Tags: decline, Einaudi, Link, orchestral compositions, piano, radio artist, Reason, roberto cacciapaglia, tey, tweens, uplifting music, world of music, www youtube, young adults
I would like to know why piano and orchestral compositions are becoming more and more obsolete as new trash is being played on the radio. Is there a reason for the decline? Is it the new generation that can’t think past their Drake and One Direction nonsense that is ignoring music from Yanni, Enya, Ludovico Einaudi and Roberto Cacciapaglia and affiliated artists? Is it because today’s tweens, teens and young adults have not had a chance to be introduced to such wonderful and uplifting music or because they simply refuse to listen to anything other than the same, repetitive rubbish that every radio artist throws up after taking five minutes to write (or have someone else write for them)? I listen to what is popular right now, granted, most of it is stupid, but I also branch out into other genres. I would truly like to know your thoughts on this issue.
BQ: Are you familiar with any of the aforementioned artists?
BQ: Who is your favorite singer/band/composer?
BQ: Will you take time to listen to any or all of the artists I listed? If so, I have provided links below for your enjoyment. If you don’t wish to, then that is fine, but just know that there is an entire world of music out there to be explored. If you listen, let me know your thoughts on all or any of the songs I have provided, and if you like them, feel free to find more songs from each artist and other artists like them.
Yanni (skip ahead to 1:00 on the first link)……
Ludovico Einaudi (skip to 1:40 on first link)……
Roberto Cacciapaglia……
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 17 May 2012. Tags: cantata, choruses, i adagio, mandolin, Minor, Moonlight, piano, piano sonata no 14 in c, Soloists, Sonata, sosten, swan lake, type
I’ve started getting more into classical music, but I can’t find my niche. I like songs that are deeper, majestic, and dramatic like {Carmina Burana, Scenic Cantata For Soloists, Choruses & Orchestra: Fortune, E},piano Sonata No. 14 In C Sharp Minor (“Moonlight”), Op. 27/2: I. Adagio Sosten, and Swan Lake. I don’t like songs that are lighter or have the instrument that sounds or is a mandolin. I have had a lot of luck in the symphonic category, but there is still a lot I don’t like. Is there a more specific name for what I’m looking for or do I just have to deal with it?
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 26 June 2011. Tags: affiliate marketing, amount of money, com, Donations, green day, piano, piano sheet music, royalties, Sheet, Sibelius, Song
I’ve begun to write piano sheet music of Green Day song with Sibelius and upload them to the internet for free (which I have read is legal. If it is not please tell me.). I have the ability to make a small amount of money from this (from, affiliate marketing, and donations), but have thought about selling the music for a low price once I have a relatively large collection. How do I get a license for this and about how much are the royalties?
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 13 August 2010. Tags: amp music, art, model, music, music piano, music rock, nice boy, Ohhkaii, piano, short attention span, song welcome to my life, song welcome to my life by simple plan, type of music, welcome to my life, welcome to my life by simple plan
Ohhkaii so this is my first question ^^
And its quite confusing .
Its just I dont know who I am . I feel so abandonned . As if no one wants me in their life . Everybodys forcing me to do things I dont like . My favorite / talent is art & music (piano or vocals) but my parents dont appreciate it . They want me to be good at the academics , something I really really try to do good at , but its just … I dont know how to explain … not something my HEART wants .
If I told my parents I want to be a model , theyd be screaming at me and ground me for years and not talk to me .
And my school life . My friends , for example . I never feel like fitting in . Dont get me wrong . I have a lot of friends . But not one best friend that I can actually trust and share my feeling with . And guys . I attract the wrong type of guys . Jocks that only want a one night stand or seeing if I can fck them hard . I want a nice boy that I can relate to . Likes my type of music (rock , screamo , bands) & knows how I feel .
Whats wrong with me ? Have I just not discovered my niche in this world yet ?
Also a little more information : I have a councellor / therapist .
And next month Im going to check if I have any sort of depression or short attention span (what was it called again ? A_ _ )
And my life is exactly the same as the song “Welcome to My Life” by Simple Plan .
But help me please ? [:
Thank you ! <3
BTW If you need help leave your question here ^^
Thanks again 
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101