So in history i have to write a Story about an Event & I got the Emancipation Proclamation. I’ll write what i have so far but im kind of stuck i need some help, so if you have any ideas please write them below! if it is horrible let me know, but remeber im only a junior in highschool, not an author
P.S the dots/line is just a break where i thought about another part of the story for later
When the civil war started, I was only 10 years old. My father was a hard worker and owned a plantation in the middle of Georgia. He had four slaves and they were all pretty nice. I was friends with one of them named Cato. My Pap bought him just 2 years ago and we were like secret best friends. We would go out into the fields and talk when he wasn’t ‘round. I knew I wasn’t supposed to be friends with a slave but I still was friends with Cato.
I lived in a house on the Plantation with my Mom, Lanett, Pa, John and my older brother, Tony. My Pa didn’t like the government or new president because he seemed to side with the north more than the south. When the Civil War started in ’61 my brother had to go off and join the army. I was sad he had to go but my dad just told me it was gonna help us keep our slaves and give Georgia more power. I was okay with it after that because I didn’t want Cato to be taken from us.
One night my Pa was talking to one of the other plantation owners outside when I overheard them:
“Did you hear that South Carolina seceded from the Union John?”
“Yes, I think it’s a good idea, the Union doesn’t care about nothin’ but themselves and making sure they get their money.” My Pa always said this to people about the north. He hated them.
”I wonder if Georgia will end up seceding too. I think we should. No one around here likes the North or President Lincoln.
“I guess we will just have to wait and see. Want to come inside and get a beer?” I ran quickly from the door where I was listening and went and sat in a chair pretending like I had been there the whole time.
Pa never liked to talk about stuff like that around me he never wanted me to get involved because people can get in a lot of trouble talking about that stuff in the wrong crowd. that next day I went out to see Cato by the barn and told him what I had heard that night.
“Cato? Cato? Where are you?” I said quietly so Pa wouldn’t be able to hear from the house.
“Right here sir!” he said just loud enough to hear.
One night I remember my Pa being so angry about something that he heard from our neighbor down the road, John.
“Hey Charlie did you hear about people sayin’ that we are gonna lose our slaves?”
“What are you talking about John?”
“Yea I was down at the market and I was listen’ to these travelers talking about thing they heard while they was up North.” said John.
“I knew our President was gonna do something like this. He never liked slaves in the first place!”