Posted on 09 August 2012. Tags: business, farmers market, mom, nasty person, niche, peppers and tomatoes, person, prestigious university, productive garden, property, rare varieties, small plot, start up business, university
I started a very nice and productive garden that was producing a lot of food. Enough to where I was going to sell excess at the farmers market.
It was all organic too, nice and healthy, and rare varieties was my niche.
Well, my parents didn’t really agree with what I was doing with my life, even my mom told me to “get a life” even though I’m the first in the family to hold a degree from a prestigious university.
Well, after awhile, my Mom and I just didn’t get a long, and she is a very mean and nasty person, so I ended up having to leave because she drove me out of there.
So I had to leave my garden and my start up business behind because of my parents drove me out.
They knew exactly what I was doing and they saw it was a success.
Now I have no garden, and I had to leave all my pounds of peppers and tomatoes etc behind just as it was fruiting.
So now, I don’t even want anything to do with my parents.
I even had a dream about just avoiding my Dad and not feeling bad for it because of what they did to me.
I met some other people my age who live on their parents property (They’re whole family lives next to each other), and he has tons of land, and his grandpa next door does too.
His family SUPPORTS him and he’s doing the same things sort of.
He offered me a small plot to garden on, but said he couldn’t get me a job or anything.
With it being so late in the season, and my parents kicking me out before I could harvest my produce, I don’t even know what to do!
I want to garden on his property, but then again, I need to make a living and avoid being homeless
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 26 March 2011. Tags: application, bullshit, concentration leader, department, Grant, masters degree, medical school, prestigious university, second semester, semesters, thesis degree, travel grant, unfair treatment, university
i’m getting my masters at a prestigious university (top 20 according to those bullshit us news and reviews rankings). the 3 semesters of courses + thesis degree is through the medical school and requires my thesis to be done in a foreign country. we had two options: do a semester abroad through the school (do classes at abroad university and complete thesis with the abroad institution- it’s affiliated with out school for a joint program) or take all the classes here, and go abroad just for the thesis.
my issue is this. i chose the university because i liked the all inclusive semester abroad program. i applied for the semester abroad the moment the window opened- i was super excited and had my advisor review my application before submitting. months to go by- no acceptance, while my peers have been accepted. it turns out they lost my application (i was the FIRST person to submit it) and i was denied the opportunity because i was asked to resubmit, months after the deadline when the program was closed. after rearranging my schedule because the second semester is about to start, i find out i am denied entry into the program because of “grades”… bullshit. i passed all my classes, while not stellar, with B+s. my concentration leader lost my application and i feel like she’s trying to cover up for it. i filed a complaint with my advisor and found out my complaint was bounced around the department, and got back to the woman (the head of department) who lost my application in the first place. today, i was just denied the travel grant to do my thesis abroad (after having THIS application reviewed and okayed by my advisor too). the head of department approves the grants, and she denied me after i started an informal departmental investigation into the matter of losing my semester abroad application. she’s also my professor in one of my classes, and she is trying to fail me.
i know this sounds like “she’s out to get me!”, but the other students have noticed it too, and seeing as how they all got the travel grant, and didn’t have any applications lost, and don’t seem to be getting unfair treatment, i feel like something really is wrong with this picture. this masters is costing me $70,000+… i had opportunities to go to different schools that offered me scholarships and i regret this so much, i want to cry. i’m on the verge of breaking down, and don’t know what to do. has anyone been in a situation like this? since when did grad school become so personal? you would think for tuition like this, the professors would do everything in their ability to help their students 
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