Posted on 26 June 2012. Tags: admission, amp, doubts, draughtsman, Enquiry, Govt, guidance, idea, mumbai, placements, private institutes, problem, service sector, starting salary, Website
I stay in Mumbai, I want to do Mechanical draughtsman course. But the problem is that, I have no idea of its eligibility, procedure for admission, institutes and placements…so pls clear my following doubts:
# Its eligibility, procedure for admission, and some better institutes for it near Mumbai…(pls also classify it in govt. affiliated and private institutes) ——>>> also mention their official website and address if available
# How much would be the fees for the same??
# I’ve heard that there are only 2 types of draughtsman courses…,i.e., Mechanical & civil…does it includes more?
# so which one is best of all….??
# And after its completion, what type of jobs would I get?
# What would be my starting salary?
# does it has demand in service sector?
Kindly go through it and give your feedback as early as possible…Need your guidance…Thank You 
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 13 January 2011. Tags: agency, business, college of business, college of technology london, internship, Kensington, kensington college, overseas students, placements, private institutes, private institutions, tel, university, university of wales, university of wales lampeter
yeah, have contacted some agency people who send students overseas for education. I’m from india Can u tel me the difference between the universities and these kind of private institutes affiliated to other universities. I haven’t got IELTS or GMAT so i have to compromise a bit in applying for the bigger univ’s like oxford and so…is it safe to do courses in these private institutions? what about the placements and the internship we can get from em ? university of wales and university of wales, lampeter both are reputed ones? what are the chance of overseas students getting internship n placement after getting graduated from these college? kindly give me more info about these colleges.. awaiting your reply
Posted in Featured Articles