Tag Archive | "product"

Starting My Own Direct Sales Company. Need Ideas?

I want to start my OWN direct sales company…but I am in need of a few ideas on WHAT to sell.
It seems like there is a business in every niche nowadays!
Any ideas?
Should I make my own product or buy online and resell?

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What Is The Highest Quality Product On Clickbanks.net ?

What do you think the highest quality product on Clickbank
is? I am not referring to the marketing or the profitability
of selling the product — I am referring to the quality of the
product itself. (In other words, which Clickbanks.net product
do you think gives you the most bang for your buck?)
(Your response does not need to be limited to the IM niche).

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I Need Help With Thinking Of Niches!?

I am a product maker. And I am trying to think of one product that could be sold to people online. Though I am out of niches and need help of you guys to help me out of thinking something that I can think of to sell to people.
So my question is: What in your opinion people are looking for the most on the internet.
This includes both adults and teenagers.
What products are you searching to download for most of the times on the internet?
Please answer these question to help me find out what people are looking for the most and what can I possibly use to sell to people.
Thank you!

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What Are Some Good Affiliate Program Web Site?

Hi. I joined commission junction and what other site is similar like that where you can pick a lot of different of product/service to promote and make money?

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Ideas For A New Clickbanks.net Product?

Hi! I want to create a new ClickBank product. But what products sells and not?
How about the sales page design and content? Almost all the top selling ClickBanks.net products have presentation videos on their sales pages.
I really need some ideas to a new product. It’s have to be an E-book or guide.
I’m in the “money making” niche.

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Question About Clickbanks.net Product Promotions?

I have a quick question Warriors. When promoting ClickBank Products, is there any recommended ways to promote a specific product using a specially created website specifically for that product? IE. I don’t just want to promote the hoplink for the product, I would prefer to have my own site that feeds into that product’s page, this way I can develop the traffic to my own site, and possibly even sell it later on once it becomes profitable in promoting the clickbanks.net product.
Are there any recommended ways of doing this? I know creating Blogs and Review sites are good for promoting multiple products in a specific niche, but what about promoting just one single product? How could I do that the right way through my own website dedicated specifically to that product? Possibly a Squeeze Page or something else?
Thanks! Your help is appreciated!

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