Tag Archive | "programmer"

How To Become A Server Side Programmer?

I’ve learning web development but what I really wanted was a server side programmer. What programming languages is the best to learn for this kind of niche?

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Please Read My Scenario About This Current Consulting Company I’m Dealing With And Provide Some Insight?

I’ve been officially unemployed for a while just working part-time, on and off unpaid with a family friend so at least I can learn something about the field I’m interested in. I recently finished a programming class to which I was contacted by a consulting company that wished to train me further, fix up my resume then send me out on job interviews with their clients. So I finished the training to find out that I’m supposed to fake my ENTIRE resume and lie to clients that I’m a senior programmer when in fact I have absolutely ZERO experience. I argued with the recruiter back and forth but being the salesman that he is and that I figured I have nothing to lose, I decided to just roll with it.
So shoot forward a few weeks, I get a phone screen interview with an recruitment agency that is in partnership with the one I’m affiliated with to which I pass with ease since they didn’t ask me any technical questions. I was then arranged with a 2nd interview to which I talk with the senior programmers and it would be a bit more technical. Honestly I completely BS’ed my answers, gave them vague but correct responses to which I had a feeling that they KNEW that I was a fraud because they would pause everytime I answered a question and they would then reply with :uhh oookkkaayyy.” It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that obviously my speaking level does not equate to a programmer that has been on the job for 7 years and for them being 10 years experience, I totally didn’t expect them to pass my interview to which the next step was on-site.
I breathed a sigh of relief because I was actually thinking of telling my recruiter that I don’t want to be dishonest and I just want to go to an interview where everything that comes out of my mouth is truth. But lo and behold, to my surprise they passed me and wanted to meet me in person for the final round and this time I have to interview with 4 senior level programmers.
Honestly I don’t know if I can do this anymore, I really don’t want to drive 4 hours down to possibly be humiliated but my recruiter has told me that if I back out on this interview it will harm his consulting company’s reputation for sending unreliable candidates. I don’t think I can sit there for 4 hours defending a resume that is completely utterly false and I have regret doing this crap with him just because I wanted to find a way to make a career with programming. I have a feeling that the managers might know and they just want to invite me on-site to humiliate me for being a fraud. He wants me to read books and prepare but I’m so sick to my stomach for doing this that I can’t even read. I don’t want to do this interview but I don’t want to ruin the reputation either. At least my resume is fake to the point I have another email and a google voice number to cover my real one (per his instruction) so I can salvage whatever I have left provided they destroy me on-site. Is there any way I can cancel this interview. I seriously want to go the honest route and don’t want to pull this nonsense. I’ve can’t believe this guy’s been conducting these fraudulent practices for over 7 years and has not gotten caught yet. Any way I can get out of this job interview? I don’t want to go to be possibly crucified or get caught. I rather just avoid all of this and start applying the honest way. Please help

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Do You Know An Online Shopping Software I Can Use?

I am looking to create a niche website for a specific type of product and group of people. I need it to operate SIMILAR (in some regards) to eBay or Amazon. Namely, people need to be able to fill out a short profile about themselves (which will be used for people to filter searches), and then they can upload their product to sell.
All payments will need to be traceable by the account holder, though it will all be processed through us and paid out monthly.
Is there any kind of software that can do this, or will I have to hire a programmer?

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People Who Ask For Business Advice?

I am self employed and I must admit I sometimes avoid any topics that have to deal with what I do for a living (successful self employed programmer and online marketing). Sometimes someone else brings it up though…. like today innocently my friend introduced me to one of her guy friends and everything was cool. Then later she mentioned to him that I run a successful online business and such, then suddenly the guy is like “wow man I been trying to do that I will get your email and phone number from your friend and we can talk!”.
I get that a lot and I find it annoying that when someone finds out what I do, they expect me to reveal all of my secrets and help them become successful for free? No one helped me at all, I learned from losing money, coming up with new ideas, and spending a lot of time and research to become successful. No one just told me all of the secrets and made me make more money. When I meet someone with a good job I never ask for free help, I just think it is rude. Do you consider this normal?

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