Posted on 24 December 2012. Tags: cod, consoles, Content, dlc, downloaded games, Let, mw2, play, ps3
recently my Ps3 won’t let me play my downloaded games like mw2 and cod4. Its says I have to re-buy it or something and when I go to the account it was purchased one to re-activate my Ps3 for downloaded content, it says 2 systems have already been activated for this account. I let my friend get a DLC once for Mw2 but that was all. Now it doesn’t work. Is there anyway to de-activate ALL the consoles affiliated with this account? Anything will help, thanks 
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 24 June 2012. Tags: clans, com, DaTaPreD, datasnipingofficial, email, montage, personal issues, ps3, recruitment, shooters, Sniping, subs, xbox, xbox 360, YouTube
We are looking for a few more recruits till we close of recruitment. Also looking for a montage editor and clans to affiliate with. A little info about DaTa clan is, we started on Mw2, the original founder DaTa DesTrucT closed it down due to personal issues. I am re starting it and we need to get back to 15,000 subs again. This is a clan only on Xbox 360 may be moved onto ps3 possibly. If interested answer this questions, add me on 360 DaTaPreD, message our email ,or message us on our youtube.
So again, good trick shooters, no scopers, or quick scopers can be recruited in, we need a new montage editor, I am willing to pay if need be, and affiliate clans. If you need anymore Info please feel free to ask and I will answer. (:
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 17 October 2011. Tags: clue, dad, freshman football team, high school freshman, high school freshman football, Ididny, loser, mom works, problems, ps3, robotics, Teenage, teenage problems, way, xbox 360
So I am 14 years old and this is me idk way to think.
Back In July I joined my high school freshman football team. Ididny really choose it but my dad did. When school started in august I quit it because football was not really my decision and I was already in another school activity that I enjoyed.
So to punish me my mom took my ps3 and 2,500 dollars worth if electronics. The school activity was robotics. Now near Xmas I want to ask for a XBox 360 but I’m afraid they will bash and yell at me. Everyday they bring up what a fool and what a loser, retard, idiot I am only because u quit because u was already affiliated with an activity. Also I live video games and breath it but I know how to get off and do other things. Plus my mom works for Microsoft so she can get a 75% discount at everything.
Plz explain my parents and why they do this crap.
U really have no clue
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 29 August 2011. Tags: business venture, exact figures, gaming network, Home, idea, Management, management experience, niche market, platform, play, play games, ps3, video games, xbox 360, youngsters
any idea, how do you set something like this up business wise, what i want to do is, set up a platform for xbox 360 and ps3, where people come online and play games at a price, i could probably do this from home, because i have a pc, 360 and ps3 at home, not sure what niche market to have, it is mostly teenagers or youngsters that play video games, i want to keep the idea open to all ages, how much money do you need to achieve this though, i can’t give exact figures but currently i have between 4 and 6 thousand in savings, would that be enough to start a business venture.
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 29 August 2011. Tags: business venture, exact figures, gaming network, Home, idea, Management, management experience, niche market, platform, play, play games, ps3, video games, xbox 360, youngsters
any idea, how do you set something like this up business wise, what i want to do is, set up a platform for xbox 360 and ps3, where people come online and play games at a price, i could probably do this from home, because i have a pc, 360 and ps3 at home, not sure what niche market to have, it is mostly teenagers or youngsters that play video games, i want to keep the idea open to all ages, how much money do you need to achieve this though, i can’t give exact figures but currently i have between 4 and 6 thousand in savings, would that be enough to start a business venture.
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 03 September 2010. Tags: affiliate marketing company, free gifts, Google, google links, ipads, iphone, market research, Marketing, Offered, ps3, Referral, thanks for your help, Website, website www, www
I am conducting some market research to help with the content on my website –
I own an affiliate marketing company and I focus on providing hints and tips through my blog for people to receive ‘free gifts’ (such as Xbox, PS3 and iPads) through a referral based system.
Now, whenever you see adverts or google links saying ‘Free gifts’ or ‘How to get a free iPhone’, etc – do you ever click it? If so, are you skeptical?
Hopefully with the information I gather here, I can tailor my adverts and links to stop being perceived as ‘spam’.
Thanks for your help 
Posted in Featured Articles