Tag Archive | "rebelscum"

Best Canadian Websites For Vintage Toys (with The Most Active Forums)?

Hi, I’m looking to slowly unload most of my old toy/ action figure collection (most things being from the late 70’s – early 90’s, etc).
I’m trying to find the most popular Canadian based sites with the most active message boards.
I already know of most of the big U.S./ international sites/ online resources ( yojoe.com, rebelscum.com, he-man.org and a bunch more like that).
But when it comes to strictly Canadian based action figure/ toy sites with active forums, I only really know of a few, like:
http://www.actionfigurenews.ca/ (and its affiliates)
Anyone know of any others that have really active forums with a lot of buying/selling/ trading going on in their marketplace sections?
Thank you for your time

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