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Help With Biology I Want To Check My Answers (part 2) 10 Points Best Answer?!?!?

11. Consider the following statement: “If all vertebrates have backbones, and turtles are vertebrates, then turtles have backbones.” This statement is an example of
a. a hypothesis.
b. discovery science logic.
c. rationalization.
d. deductive reasoning.
12. One of the labs in Bio 107 we offer in some semesters is a field trip to explore the native chaparral in Florida Canyon. The chaparral is a region characterized by a climate of long, dry summers and mild winters, clay-like soil, and interactions of particular groups of animals, plants, and microorganisms. The Chaparral best describes what level of organization?
a. Biosphere
b. Ecosystem
c. Community
d. Population
13. Suppose a small number of bacterial cells are placed in a container that includes all necessary nutrients for the bacteria. For a while, there is no increase in bacterial numbers as cells adjust to their new environment. Afterwards, there is rapid increase in numbers, with the number of new bacteria added proportional to the current number. Following this rapid increase, there is a long phase where the number of new cells equals the number of cells that have died. What does the overall pattern of bacterial growth described here most resemble?
a. J-shaped
b. A population’s carrying capacity in the absence of limiting factors
c. Global human increases from its beginnings to current times.
d. Logistic
14. If an ecosystem has a carrying capacity of 1000 individuals for a given species, and 2000 individuals of that species are present, the population
a. is at equilibrium.
b. has exceeded the carrying capacity.
c. may decline dramatically.
d. b and c are correct.
15. If an overlap develops between the ranges of two closely related species, and if the species occupy the same niche in the zone of overlap, what will probably happen in the zone of overlap?
a. Both species will coexist.
b. A new species will arise.
c. One species will take over and drive the other species out
d. Mutualism will exist between the two species.
16. The relationship between a cow and the cellulose-digesting bacteria in the cow’s digestive tract would best be described as
a. Mutualism
b. Parasitism.
c. Interspecific competition.
d. Predation.
17. All organisms require certain nutrients for survival and reproduction. Suppose a particular bacterial population thrives only in the top five millimeters of lakes. Suppose a microscopic plant population also thrives only in the top five millimeters of lakes. When the bacterial and plant populations are floating together, the bacterial population is reduced to 20% of the number it was when floating in the absence of plants. What does this situation likely illustrate?
a. Species diversity of a community
b. Niches of two species are separate and distinct.
c. One population serving as a resource for another population.
d. Interspecific competition.
18. What conditions might occur in a country displaying zero population growth?
a. Immigration equals emigration.
b. A population pyramid is larger at its base than at its tip.
c. Birth rate is greater than death rate.
d. The demand for new elementary schools is greater than the demand for retirement homes.
19. What would be an example of primary succession?
a. Events following a melting glacier, exposing bare rocky terrain.
b. The colonization of an empty region by long-lived plant species.
c. Community replacement on lands abandoned by a farmer.
d. A forest community that is relatively stable over time.
20. If there are 1000 metric tons of producers in an ecosystem, about how much of the energy in those producers will be available to secondary consumers in this ecosystem?
a. 100%
b. 50%
c. about 10%
d. about 1%
e. about 0.1%
21. Given that CO2 is produced by respiration, why does the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere remain relatively constant? (When answering this question, exclude the impact of human activities on atmospheric CO2.)
a. CO2 is converted in photosynthesis to carbohydrates.
b. CO2 is split apart during photosynthesis.
c. CO2 mostly forms carbonate rocks.
d. CO2 is trapped in dead organisms’ bodies.
e. CO2 is a buffer.

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What Are The Answers To These Questions?

My professor assigned 100 questions for us to answer and study off of and I have had trouble with these following questions. I would greatly appreciate any imput.
An ecosystem
A. includes only the plants within a particular area.
B. includes all the living organisms within a specific area, but not the abiotic factors.
C. includes both living and abiotic factors within a particular region.
D. always includes equal numbers of plant and animal species.
E. only refers to biotic factors in a region.
The physical space that an organism occupies in its environment is its ______________.
A. habitat
B. niche
C. biotic factor
D. role
E. abiotic factor
A keystone species is
A. the largest species in a community.
B. the most numerous species in a community.
C. the least numerous species in a community.
D. a species on which many other species depend.
E. the species that occupies most of the niches within a particular environment.
Which of the following is an incorrect association regarding interactions within communities?
A. habitat–area of community where a particular species lives
B. parasitism–one species obtains nutrients from another
C. mutualism–relationship benefits both species
D. commensalism–one species benefits and one species is harmed by the
E. predation–one species feeds on another
An exotic species is defined as a species that is
A. illegal to sell.
B. a poor competitor for nutrients.
C. a hybrid.
D. indigenous to an area.
E. non-native to a particular community.
Which of the following is an incorrect statement?
A. Plants are Decomposers that live on dead organic matter.
B. Autotrophs are called producers because they produce food.
C. Herbivores eat algae or plant material.
D. Detritus includes both living and non-living material.
E. Chemoautotrophs obtain energy from inorganic compounds.
Which of the following is an incorrect association?
A. trophic level–level of nourishment within a food chain
B. sedimentary cycle–chemical absorbed from soil and eventually returned to soil
C. food chain–a diagram showing a single path of energy flow in an ecosystem
D. ecological pyramid–energy gain between trophic levels
E. grazing food web–begins with plants
Which of the following biomes has the higher primary productivity?
A. temperate grassland
B. desert
C. temperate deciduous forest
D. coral reef
E. sandy beach
When too many nutrients are added to of a body of water, this is known as __________.
A. A biogeochemical cycle
B. reservoirs
C. eutrophication
D. global warming
E. nitrogen fixing
Which of the following is an example of a sedimentary cycle?
A. the phosphorus cycle
B. the nitrogen cycle
C. the carbon cycle
D. the atmospheric cycle
E. eutrophic cycle
Biomes are defined by
A. types of plants.
B. types of animals.
C. communities.
D. temperature and rainfall.
E. both plants, animals, and inorganic matter.

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Am I Good Enough For Top Universities?

I’m currently a junior attending a public high school in the southern region of the U.S.
As of this year, I am currently the salutatorian of my class, however, there is a good chance that I could become the valedictorian by my senior year. My cumulative unweighted GPA is a 3.97; my weighted GPA would be a 4.32
My most recent ACT score is that of a 31, however, I will retake it until I make a 34 or 35.
I took 2 AP tests during my sophomore year and made a 3 and a 5. I am taking 7 AP tests this year.
I am the assistant principle to concertmaster in my school orchestra; I have auditioned and attained seats in a regional and state orchestra. I volunteer at my state’s art museum, volunteer at a food bank, and will tutor other students in the summer for social science courses. I will also be attending an accredited 4-week summer program with other juniors. When I was affiliated with a church, I volunteered during a week-long community outreach program in Pennsylvania. I wrote many articles and provided photographs for my school newspaper during my freshman year; I was made editor-in-chief of my schools newspaper during my sophomore year.
I have received e-mails from schools such as Princeton and Washington University in St. Louis. Would I be good enough for such schools? If not, what else could I do to improve my chances?

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I Need Some Help With My World History Homework?

In 1974, tito had designated this region an autonomous or self-governing province within Yugoslavia?
A. Serbia
B. Slovenia
C. Croatia
D. Kosovo
The Yugoslav republics included significant numbers of?
A. Serb minorities.
B. League of Nations mandates.
C. Slovak majorities.
D. Chechen rebels
Walesa’s trade union movement was supported by workers and?
A. the soviet Union.
B. the roman catholic church.
C. secret police.
D. Serbs
In 1989, the government of East Germany ordered the tearing down of one of the last symbols of the Cold War, the?
A. missile silos of Minsk.
C. Czech Republic.
D. Berlin Wall
Poland’s free-market reforms under its new president in 1990 caused?
A. Soviet backlash.
B. U.S. intervention.
C. Immediate prosperity.
D. Severe unemployment.

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History Help 5 Questions?

1. In 1974, Tito had designated this region an autonomous or self-governing province within Yugoslavia. (1 point)
2. The Yugoslav republics included significant numbers of (1 point)
Serb minorities.
League of Nations mandates.
Slovak majorities.
Chechen rebels.
3. Walesa’s trade union movement was supported by workers and (1 point)
the Soviet Union.
the Roman Catholic Church.
secret police.
4. In 1989, the government of East Germany ordered the tearing down of one of the last symbols of the Cold War, the (1 point)
missile silos of Minsk.
Czech Republic.
Berlin Wall.
Munich Mural.
5. Poland’s free-market reforms under its new president in 1990 caused (1 point)
Soviet backlash.
U.S. intervention.
immediate prosperity.
severe unemployment.

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Is Backlink Quality Important?

It has not been a while since I started by business, and I am in a very niche industry so I have <5 competitors in my region. One of my competitors has somewhere between 3,000-4,000 backlinks. I know that because I googled: linkto:http://www.website.com
and this particular company is always on the top 3 search result on many keywords I search for.
I am gradually building my backlinks (around 400 now) using directory listings, press releases, technology articles, youtube.. and many other legitimate sources.
another competitor of mine doesnt even show on the google search results, but if I go to linkto:http://www.theirwebsite.com I get almost 1.2 million hits. My theory is, they used one of these backlink building services which created a lot of back-links but made them loose credibility with google.. is this in any way true? are those back-link building websites harmful?
Any other advise you can give?

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