Tag Archive | "Republican"

Political Survey, Please Answer.?

Are you a registered voter?
Will you be participating in this year’s election?
For what party will you be voting for?
Do you vote every election?
Does your family vote?
What are your thoughts on voting?
Place of birth?
What is your ethnicity?
What is your highest level of education?
What is your parents highest level of education?
Are you a republican or democrat? (If neither one of these apply to you answer next question)
What political party are you affiliated with?
Are you a liberal or conservative?
Would you say you are a strong party member?
What purpose do you think the government has?
What is the most important role in government in your opinion, Economics or Social?
Do you think the government is corrupt?
Why is America having economic issues?
What or who influences your political views?

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Why Are Democrats So Racist?

Democrats founded the KKK, fought the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments, instituted Jim Crow Laws, fought the 1965 Civil Rights Act and continue to keep racism alive and blacks on their liberal plantation. This is an excerpt from the award-winning documentary Emancipation Revelation Revolution
After The Civil Rights Act was passed Democrat President Lyndon Johnson praised Republicans for their overwhelming support.
The Republican Party was formed by anti-slavery activists to combat the pro-slavery Democrats
The Ku Klux Klan was formed by radical Democrats who opposed equality for blacks.
In 1935 Democrats defeated an Anti-Lynching Bill supported and put forward by Republicans.
The 1924 Democrat National Convention in New York was host to one of the largest Klan gatherings in American history. Dubbed the “Klanbake convention”, a minority of delegates attempted to condemn the presence of the Klan but was rebuked by the Klan supporting Democrat Majority.
On April 20, 1871 the Republican Congress enacted the Ku Klux Klan Act, outlawing Democratic Party-Affiliated terrorist groups.
Ronald Reagan, a Republican, made history on November 2, 1983 by signing into law Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday as a National Holiday. This is the first and only Federal Holiday that recognizes a Black American.
Albert Gore, Sr., a Democrat, played a key roll in the 74-day filibuster that delayed and intended to undermine The Civil Rights Act.
Albert Gore, Sr. voted against The Civil Rights Act of 1964.
President Bill Clinton’s political mentor, J. William Fulbright of Arkansas also a Democrat, voted against The Civil Rights Act.
A search on The Clinton Presidential Center Web Site yielded 102 matches when searching for Fulbright.
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964: “It shall be an unlawful employment practice for an employer … to discriminate against any individual with respect to his compensation, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment, because of such individual’s race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.”
When LBJ nominated Thurgood Marshall to the Supreme Court in 1967 he was opposed by 10 Democrats and only 1 Republican. The lone Republican had switched parties from Democrat to Republican only 3 years earlier in 1964. Why would 10 Democrats oppose a Democrat Presidents Supreme Court Nominee?
Robert Byrd (Democrat) is the only Senator to oppose both black Supreme Court nominees.
Former Klansman Hugo Black (Democrat) was appointed to the Supreme Court by Franklin Delano Roosevelt (Democrat) in 1937. This liberal icon, who served on the court until 1971 also defended and helped acquit Klansman Edwin Stephenson for the murder of a Catholic priest in Birmingham.
Hugo Black was also a senator that received substantial support in his first senate election victory from the Klan.
Many Democrats referred to Robert Byrd as the “Conscience of the Senate”
He was born in Nov. 20, 1917.
Senator Robert Byrd (Democrat) served as a recruiter for the Ku Klux Klan.
He now explains this away by pleading ignorance and a misguided youth.
Robert Byrd voted against The Civil Rights Act of 1964. He was 46 years old.
He helped lead a Filibuster with other Democrats including Al Gore, Sr.
Sen. Robert Byrd (Democrat) spoke for 14 hours and 13 minutes, finishing the morning of June 10 — the 57th day of the filibuster.
This is what Democrats must mean when calling the filibuster a Senate Tradition.
Byrd also opposed Supreme Court nominations of Thurgood Marshall in 1967 and Clarence Thomas in 1991.
Byrd could say he opposed Clarence Thomas because he was a Conservative but Thurgood Marshall was a Democrat favored by nearly every Democrat.
Robert Byrd is the only Senator to oppose both black Supreme Court nominees.
Byrd was 49 years old when he opposed Democrat Thurgood Marshall’s Supreme Court Nomination.
In 1945 at age 28, Robert Byrd said this regarding desegregation of the military, “[I will] never submit to fight beneath that banner (the American flag) with a ***** by my side. Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds.”
In March of 2001, at age 83, Robert Byrd said, “There are white n*ggers. I´ve seen a lot of white n*ggers in my time.”

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Can You Vote In The General Elections If You Are Non-partisan?

If you don’t register as either Republican or Democrat can you vote for either if you put down you are not affiliated with any specific party when you register?

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Why Was The Rnc In Tampa?

Just wondering why the GOP chose Tampa for their meeting. Is it heavily Republican? Is one of the nominees affiliated with them?

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Any Other Candidates On The Ballot In November?

I am affiliated with the Libertarian Party, and I voted in the June Primary for Gary Johnson for President. I understand he received more than half of the votes in my state. Is he going to be on the ballot in November, or am I stuck with Democrat and Republican again? I really don’t want to vote for Obama or Romney.

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Will An Atheist Republican Fit In In Texas?

I am not one of those atheists that goes around trashing people’s religion and tries to start fights with religious people.
I keep my religion to myself and I would only tell somebody if they asked me.
Oh, I don’t tell me to move to Austin or some other liberal place like that, part of the reason that I want to leave Minnesota is because I’m surrounded by liberal democrats.
I like hunting, fishing, ATVing, trucks, and warm weather.
So, my only real abnormality I suppose would be that I don’t affiliate with any religion. Would I be accepted by the Texans as long as I don’t trash their beliefs?
NOTE: Please only respond if you live in Texas (I don’t care if you are a liberal, conservative, moderate, Republican, Democrat, or Independent). I would prefer not to have a bunch of people in Massachusetts making assumptions based on what they saw on MSNBC answering this.

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