Tag Archive | "ring finger"

You Have A Possible Infectious Condition That You Are Embarrassed To Discuss With The Physician With Whom…?

…you work. You have worn artificial nails for several months now and noticed that the
one on your left ring finger falls off regularly. The real nail underneath has become white and
chalky, and the skin around the nail is beginning to have little white lines in it and look a bit
chalky, as well.
1. What disease do you suspect? Explain why.
2. What would you suggest be done for a more definitive diagnosis?
3. Can you treat this yourself with an over-the-counter drug, or do you need to see a physician?
4. You see cures for this condition mentioned on TV and on the internet -do you think they
5. What other conditions are caused by dermatophytes (Microsporum, Trichophyton, and
Epidermophyton)? What is special about them that makes them capable of thriving in their
anatomical niche on their hosts?

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