Posted on 13 January 2012. Tags: adul, adult life, decades, niche, rest of your life, semesters, serious relationship, stable support, support group, workforce
I’m a college student, and though I won’t graduate for another 3 semesters, the thought of life after college seems… lonely and unstructured. In some ways, it seems like life ends when you’re an adult–in the sense that, for the rest of your life, you’re going to work and not do much else. Of course, that’s not exactly true, but a LOT of working adults have this lifestyle. Their life centers around work, and that’s something you’re going to be doing for decades…so it seems like there’s no more “stages” of life to look forward too.
I kind of like the structured lifestyle that comes with being in education. I feel like I can’t handle all of the freedom that comes with adult/after college life. You’re truly on your own…. and even though I have friends, I feel like everyone just is doing their own thing, and has their own life so it’s difficult to form that stable support group. So many people who have graduated or who are graduating (either seemingly or actually) feel pretty confident with how there life is and the direction it’s going in. It’s like they’ve found their niche in life, have the support they need, and what not. But I feel lost and rather directionless…
For some reason, I feel like my life is going to feel pretty pathetic as an adul in the workforce. Following graduateion, I’ll hopefully soon attain a career in less than 6 months, but I don’t know what else I’m going to do with myself… I assume I will be single, or at least not being even close to getting married. This could definitely not be the case, don’t get me wrong, but I assume I’ll be single, getting settled in my career and living with god knows who..hopefully some friends? A serious relationship would provide that stability at least…so I kinda hope I’m not single by that point. It would be nice to have a stable unit (in this case, a husband) to come home to…I feel like I’m going to be lacking stable emotional/social support in adult/workforce life
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 14 July 2011. Tags: art history, ba program, bachelor, change, college, current school, economic climate, Historic, historic preservation, Home, living expenses, minimum wage, non profit organization, semesters, uniqueness
I’m a 23 y/o college student who got off to a very slow start and I’m now 2 semesters away from my A.S. in Gallery and Museum Studies. For the past 4 years and change, I’ve worked the same p/t job on minimum wage (7.25). When I leave my current school, I’ll be 24. I’ve 2 choices. I can either transfer back to the 4-year college I started at (The program’s articulated w/ the BA program in Art History there) or go elsewhere. Now, very soon I’ll be interning with a non-profit organization that has to do with historic preservation. You see, what attracted me to Gallery and Museum Studies was it’s uniqueness. Not too long after I started on that path, I began to appreciate architecture near home and that led me to the internship. My confusion has to do with whether or not I should get my BA in Art History and then pursue Historic Preservation at a graduate school in New York City (I live in Queens). A Bachelor’s in Historic Preservation would take me away from home and I’m not prepared to pay for living expenses. Does it make sense to stay in Queens until I have my Bachelor’s (2013/14) and go from there? I worry all too often and I’m trying to figure out how everything will mesh (Museum studies, interest in preservation, etc.). Am I worrying for nothing? I’m trying to find my niche in this economic climate. I’d love to hear from people who’ve been or who are currently in a similar situation. Thanks for reading
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 27 June 2011. Tags: Affiliated, colleges, course, information, information technology course, semesters, Sems, Syllabus
syllabus and portions for all semesters for the affiliated colleges of anna university…
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 26 March 2011. Tags: application, bullshit, concentration leader, department, Grant, masters degree, medical school, prestigious university, second semester, semesters, thesis degree, travel grant, unfair treatment, university
i’m getting my masters at a prestigious university (top 20 according to those bullshit us news and reviews rankings). the 3 semesters of courses + thesis degree is through the medical school and requires my thesis to be done in a foreign country. we had two options: do a semester abroad through the school (do classes at abroad university and complete thesis with the abroad institution- it’s affiliated with out school for a joint program) or take all the classes here, and go abroad just for the thesis.
my issue is this. i chose the university because i liked the all inclusive semester abroad program. i applied for the semester abroad the moment the window opened- i was super excited and had my advisor review my application before submitting. months to go by- no acceptance, while my peers have been accepted. it turns out they lost my application (i was the FIRST person to submit it) and i was denied the opportunity because i was asked to resubmit, months after the deadline when the program was closed. after rearranging my schedule because the second semester is about to start, i find out i am denied entry into the program because of “grades”… bullshit. i passed all my classes, while not stellar, with B+s. my concentration leader lost my application and i feel like she’s trying to cover up for it. i filed a complaint with my advisor and found out my complaint was bounced around the department, and got back to the woman (the head of department) who lost my application in the first place. today, i was just denied the travel grant to do my thesis abroad (after having THIS application reviewed and okayed by my advisor too). the head of department approves the grants, and she denied me after i started an informal departmental investigation into the matter of losing my semester abroad application. she’s also my professor in one of my classes, and she is trying to fail me.
i know this sounds like “she’s out to get me!”, but the other students have noticed it too, and seeing as how they all got the travel grant, and didn’t have any applications lost, and don’t seem to be getting unfair treatment, i feel like something really is wrong with this picture. this masters is costing me $70,000+… i had opportunities to go to different schools that offered me scholarships and i regret this so much, i want to cry. i’m on the verge of breaking down, and don’t know what to do. has anyone been in a situation like this? since when did grad school become so personal? you would think for tuition like this, the professors would do everything in their ability to help their students 
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 03 February 2011. Tags: 3 years, alot, aspirations, auto body, autobody, Career, career path, Child, choosing a career, main source, mother and wife, semesters, Stop, Time, young mother
I’m a young mother and wife. I’ve been married for 2 years and we’re on our third now (guess you coulda figured that one out). Anyways, having a child young and getting married has really put a stop on alot of my aspirations. I’ve had to alter my career path alot and have missed out on a lot of opportunities I always thought I’d take. The thing is, I’m okay with that because I’m using the resources I have in my area and the time that I do have to carve a nice niche for myself by choosing a career I CAN have. Its killing me to study, work, go to school, and man the house as well as taking care of our child all the while. I’ve been trying to get through school for the past 3 years and my husband has been working an 8-5 job in the meantime. I’ve tried to get him into school with me but he’s been 2 semesters in which one he didn’t finish and the other he barely passed. Now, he wants to leave and move 7 hours away to get certified in same auto-body school for 2 years. If not that, he wants to move 4 hours away and do an 18 month program. This is heartbreaking to hear him say this stuff. Its like me and his child don’t even matter. It’s like he’s completely blind to how hard i’ve been working to get somewhere for the past 3 years. I don’t have the option to put my family on hold and take off to chase my dreams. I think if i’m sacrificing and making the best of it then he should have to too. It think this is incredibly selfish of him. He is our main source of income to as i’m with our daughter the time and we have no daycare. The thing is, there are other places in our area that offer certification in autobody but he wants to go to the best school he can find. I really just want to tell him to grow the heck up and take responsibility like a man. If he does leave us to go there, I am considering leaving him.
Any advice?
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101