My German Shepherd is 2 months old, and I got him vaccinated as per requirements and as suggested by the farm man. The farm man also told me to increase his diet step by step, and so I did the same. I fed him porridge, milk and bread, and now pedigree. I live in North India, and it’s very cold in here. But I take all measures to protect him from cold. I mostly keep him covered and inside the house. But recently, he vomited and is feeling very weak. His temperature was normal, no fever was encountered, but still he has become very lazy and weak. And his vomit got me into worry…
Please advice me on WHAT should I feed him, and how frequently?
PS: There is no Vet in nearly 20 miles from my hometown! And I’m really afraid to take him out in such a chilly weather to the vet. Moreover, the vet will not come down to my hometown any soon before a month more. Please help me…please!