Tag Archive | "shoulder press"

Can Someone See My Plan If Its Good?

So I’m 19 years old and I just wanted someones perspective if I’m over training, Im on the Smolov squat program which pretty much means I squat 4 times a week
Monday: Squat then Squat Cleans every minute on the minute for 15-20 minutes not going over 80% of 1RM, then I will do an interval row 30 seconds on 30 off for 15 minutes
Tuesday: 5×5 Bench Press then Power Snatch Every minute on the minute
Wednesday: Squat, Some sort of pull workout – (pull ups and bent over rows every time) Interval bike 30 seconds on 30 seconds off for 15 minutes and then whatever the Cross fit workout is for the day at my affiliate
Thursday: Some sort of press, (Shoulder press, push press and/or power or split jerk practice) every minute on the minute power clean and then the daily workout at Cross fit
Friday: Squat, Squat Snatch technique, Every minute on the minute, then interval row 30 sec on 30 sec off and then daily workout at cross fit
Saturday: Squat
Sunday: REST
some notes are that the squatting at the beginning of the week is around 65% and towards the end is 80%
also every 5 weeks I take one week off!!!

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